South Coast Group Championship Trial (RRND Club)

  Sunday 10 August 2014, 10:30am
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On Sunday 10th August the RRND Club will again be running the August round of the South Coast Group trial championship at Beare Gill, Ockley near Dorking in Surrey. The Club will be laying out the normal 4 routes of White (Expert), Blue (Novice + O40), Red (O50 and Clubmen) and Yellow (Wobbler, Beginner).

The Club's intention, as always, is to layout a straightforward route for each class that should be enjoyable and to make the most use of the natural features of this lovely venue.

The main feature of this venue is the small stream that runs from top to bottom, and a Club working party were at the venue this week and have cleared a large amount of the lower part of the stream. This means that we can now increase the length of the riding lap to use the complete venue as well as uncovering three or four entirely new sections.

The rocky based stream lends itself to flowing natural sections, rather like a mini-Scottish type section!

Make a note in the diary for this excellent event as entry numbers for recent group trials have been down and RRND always make the effort to put on a good event for all classes.

Hopefully will see you there. Full details are on the RRND club website at

Location  Ockley, Surrey UK
Links to any Regs/Entry Forms relating to this event will appear below