Westmorland Motor Club, Bultaco Revival Nostalgia Trial Day Two, Relax and Ride

  Sunday 18 June 2017, 10:00am - 02:00pm
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Sunday 18th June 2017, 10:00am - 2:00pm


For something different we've decided to have a Relax and Ride Day with the Bultaco works team, the days starts at 10am with team interviews, man on the mic will be John Moffat "Trials Guru" and a Bultaco man through and through, so it promises to be interesting.

For all entrants on Sunday the club will provide a bacon butty and a brew.

This will be followed by a ride around the sections from the previous day, all bikes welcome modern and classic plus school boys for this fun practice day, enter on the day.

In addition to Vesty we have Manuel Soler, Ignacio Bulto, Javier Cucurella, Jaime Puig Bulto, Oriol Puig Bulto and Charles Coutard.

Not to be missed

Contact  Steve Dent 07796140369
Location  Middleton nr Sedbergh,
Links to any Regs/Entry Forms relating to this event will appear below