Loughborough Susan Harris Memorial Trial

The Loughborough Trials Club are finalising details for this year's Susan Harris Memorial Trial on 20/21st August at the combined Vickers Farm and Riley's Railway venues near Tilton on the Hill in Leicestershire.


This popular Charity event in memory of Susan has gone from strength to strength over the last five years, raising over £10,000 for charities and providing a fitting tribute to this great supporter of Trials in the Midlands.


This year's event will follow the proven format of a more fun event on Saturday with an enjoyable long lap 20 section trial on the Sunday. Riders and friends are encourage to stay overnight and an evening social with a few special tests will quickly while away the hours as the drinking and chat takes over. The action starts at 5PM on Saturday and 10:30AM Sunday and entries for both or either day are welcome. Toilets and a Hot Food outlet will be available to encourage camping over and with kind sponsorship from Enterprise Car Rental it is hoped that once again a significant sum can be raised for charity.


The club would welcome "section" sponsors which has featured some legendry firms and groups in the past for just £30 per section and with 20 sections to cover observers would be very welcome. If you are able to help with either please ring Gary Shield on 07890589906.