Westmorland MC Bultaco Revival Nostalgia Trial Now Two Day Event

Westmorland MC are pleased to advise that their planned Bultaco Revival Nostalgia Trial has now been expanded to a two day event with details as follows:



8.30 Signing on etc in the marquee
9am Bikes into marquee for display and judging by Vesty & Bulto Team, Manuel Soler, Ignacio Bulto, Javier Cucurella, Jaime Puig Bulto, Oriol Puig Bulto & Charles Coutard
10am Vesty opens trial with the Lampkin’s
10.30 Trial starts until finish
Finish riders get Bluebird beer etc
Auction for Cancer Care with the Lampkin’s, various items of interest will be available will all the funds raised in memory of Martin Lampkin
Award for the bikes
Trials Results and awards
Interviews with the Bulto team




For something different we've decided to have a Relax and Ride Day with the Bultaco works team, the days starts at 10am with team interviews so it promises to be interesting.
For all entrants on Sunday the club will provide a bacon butty and a brew.
This will be followed by a ride around the sections from the previous day so time for some classic and twinshock practice, entry forms will be available shortly.
In addition to Vesty we have Manuel Soler, Ignacio Bulto, Javier Cucurella, Jaime Puig Bulto, Oriol Puig Bulto and Charles Coutard.


This is a not to be missed weekend!