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Sooner Cup - Tv Spot


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The Sooner Cup is right around the corner - we're looking forward to seeing everyone there! Remember, this event is open to ALL club-level competitors. The Sooner Cup is a traditional two-day event that happens every year in Oklahoma; this year the Pro's are coming to compete for $5,000 in purse money. Do not miss this event!

All club-level competitors ride in the morning (both days) and enjoy the pro exhibition in the afternoon (both days)!

Here is a link to the Sooner Cup web site...

and this is the Sooner Cup TV Spot!

This is being shown on the cable TV networks networks in Ardmore, Durant, Tishomingo and surrounding areas in the weeks leading up to the event. So, like the Rock Creek National in '06 - we should have a good number of spectators!

Special thanks to Scott Williams of NEOTT for allowing us to use the video highlights. Thanks to Jason Shackelford for his work on the video as well, and, of course, thanks to Robert Shaw, President of the Texhoma Trials Club for pulling this spectacular event together and to Steve Higgs and Michael Martin for buying the land!

The weather looks to be perfect! So pack your toys and beat it to fun and funky Tishomingo for a national warmup!

This Google Map should get you there - be sure to plug the Lat / Lon into your Garmin...

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This is a excellent spot. Yet, with the average motor sport fan, they love to see carnage. I could picture the spot that showed a rider tumbling down a hill or falling off a cliff. Add the slow-mo and re-play. Now that would have a more powerful effect and draw out the gawkers.

All you needed to do is get Copey all liquored up and and turn him loose on a bike with a stuck throttle.

Edited by City Trials
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ZIPPY - come to the event. You can discuss the cost with Robert - local cable spots are a LOT more affordable than you might think. The broadcast networks?! No way! Much too expensive!

City... we did include a little get-off by Keith at the end - it's too bad that picture and video compress depth because that was a looonnnnggg way down.

OBTW - please don't get cope on this - nobody can kill a thread faster than him... love you, Mark...

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I am totally cool with all that, but I just wish I had the movie of Clark doing the Nosie off the rock into the TREE!

Bring your bike Craig, the SR class is just waiting for you!(don't forget the knee and elbow guards) Those rocks are just waiting TOO! :rotfl:

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