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  1. My ty clutch is at the end of adjustment at the lever. I decided to try to adjust the screw behind the engine cover. took off the skid plate, removed engine cover. screwed adjuster at lever all the way in. loosened lock nut on adj. screw. I was not sure which way to turn it. I screwed it in and out and noticed the actuating arm on the bottom of the engine moving up and down. I kind of expected it to move front to back. It did not seem to have any effect on my clutch adjustment. The cluth still does nothing. Do I need to replace the plates? also I now cannot seem to screw the adj. screw on the engine all the way in . the head was kinda stripped to start with and the screw driver does not seem to have enough bite.
  2. If your knees are bad and you are not going to trial it. I would put the lights back on and use it as a trail bike. Or you could just leave them off and put them back on when you sell.
  3. thanks feetupfun I'll give that a shot.
  4. 77 ty250. stock mikuni carb. Where do i measure the float level from? Do I measure from the float bowl with the gasket in place?
  5. white vinigar works well for cleaning rust out of tanks
  6. fergie

    Spacer Tickness

    The spacer should be 3/16" thick. If you put a stock dished sprocket on a flat surface and measure the distance from the outside edge, to the flat surface, I believe it comes to 3/16" if my memory serves me. I could be wrong though, as it has been about 10 yrs. since I last did one.
  7. fergie

    Spacer Tickness

    I beleive it is actually closer to 3/16"
  8. I am looking to replace the fuel supply line on my 76 250. Can anyone tell me what size to buy? If you know the other sizes for the smaller vent lines on the carb ,that would be helpfull as well. Cheers, Fergie.
  9. I use motul synthetic @ 40:1. which is on the safe side but seems to work well for me. 15w fork oil. Atf works in a pinch for fork oil as well.
  10. fergie

    175 Bore Clearence

    One thing you should know about wiseco's is that you need to let the bike warm up properly before riding. They also seem to rattle alot when they are cold.
  11. fergie

    To premix or not

    Ok, now I really need some help. I went ahead and pulled the autolube pump. When I pulled the clutch side cover off to disconnect the shaft. Two shims fell on the garage floor. They are quite large, maybe 29mm outside diameter and 25mm inside(they look like a big washers). As far as I can tell, the only place they could possibly go would be on the kickstart shaft. my shop manual says "note the location of the kickaxle shim". However, in the diagram it does not list or show a kickaxle shim. Also, why would I have two of them? Any Ideas?
  12. fergie

    To premix or not

    yeah close call for sure. I was just going to put staight fuel in the tank and thought it would be a good idea to check the pump. Turned out it was a great idea!
  13. fergie

    To premix or not

    Ok, so I took the bike out for the first time. I ended up premixing the oil/fuel 40:1 also had the autolube going just to be on the safe side. Suprisingly the bike ran great. Lots of power, idled perfect,with just a light amount of smoke from the tailpipe. I might just keep everything the way it is. i would have thought with the extra lube it would have smoked like crazy and fouled plugs. Not so much.
  14. fergie

    To premix or not

    Thanks again for all the tips. Fergie
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