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  1. I have several hats and I take each one off to all who observe. I haven't observed for a few years but intend to do so this year so I can appreciate how hard it is. As a rider I'm a particularly generous observer, because its "just a bit of fun" Re number boards totally agree, £8k bike and you can't afford a number board, shame on you, sort it out, you know who you are.
  2. I was interested to see if anyone responded but obviously nobody has had a problem. I would suggest ringing Vertigo HQ as John is a knowledgable and helpful guy and is a decent trials rider.
  3. Just saying....why not enter a trial? You get to ride fantastic land, have a bit of banter with your mates (and complete strangers). Ok theres a structure to it but its still "just for fun". If you fancy further afield Parkwood Offroad in West Yorks is a terrific place. Check their website.
  4. Leo Leo Leo. Next time you stump up the time, the money and the expertise to put on an international event please let us know in your own charming way! We are a niche sport, we live on a tiny island and the economy is down the toilet in recession. This is the first world trials event for several years here so please be a little more generous to a remarkable young man just doing his best. (Full disclosure.. I've got green pants and a DL12)
  5. I'm a 63 year old luddite. We did woodwork at school. Computer studies was something they were just starting to do at NASA not in UK secondary moderns. I appreciate Rabie for fessing up but I am now so confused. I did press the button for help on the new site and got a standard acknowledgement but no actual reply to my enquiry. Hopefully our governing body can produce an "heroic recovery" in the next 17 days!
  6. Ha Ha I've renewed mine and had a confirmation email from ACU. But haven't paid anything yet? I think when I enter my first trial through Sport 1980 it'll ask for it then. Trying to enter a trial in the new year and the old system says I don't have a license but will let me enter if I pay £5 for a one event license I've emailed the ACU for help The old system worked fine for this end user (paying customer). Progress eh?
  7. Parkwood off road at Tong, check out their website for dates and prices.
  8. You need to worry when she says " I can't smell petrol on you, where have you been?"
  9. Vertigo is the only other bike without a carb. I'm a reluctant spannerman and it suits me. I had 3 4RT's and loved them all, had no brake trouble. £11k will get you the lightest techist (made up word) bike available from Vertigo.
  10. Not me. I do use E5 petrol though, usually Shell or another premium brand. I have no science to back that up but it just works for me.
  11. Hi I had 2012 Berlingo swb, bike fits in no problem. Then had transit connect swb again no problem but nicer van to drive. 3 people in a van is a tight squeeze though unless two of them are kids. I would buy a LWB Transit Connect if I was buying a small van again. Currenty running a VW T6 which is great but I've noticed none of these vans makes me ride any better.
  12. If you get it, put a picture up on here for us all to see you riding it with a big happy face! Think we all need a good news story to balance up the books.
  13. My 2019 had the 2 stage switch. It does make a difference but I have it on "o60's" mode all the time. (Softer and depicted by a rain cloud)
  14. I'm no expert but I think they dropped the Ice Hell moniker back in16/17 so maybe you're right about the cliff. Really not sure on used prices as I've bought my last 2 new and the lurgy thing has affected supply and price of everything these last 2 years. I bought my last one from Camio and they had some very clean late models in stock when I was there.
  15. The kickstart gear can lose its first tooth over time. This reduces the engagement and does not allow you to give the bike the required full kick. Its not a difficult repair but probably worth a trip to a dealer if you're not sure. Have a look in your gearbox oil when you change it, you may find the missing tooth. If you do, don't bother putting it under your pillow. (Spoiler Alert) There are no such thing as fairies.
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