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Everything posted by tltel
  1. Just like to add, yes you do need to undo nipple and if you are going to drain all fluid you may as well remove the nipple and check that the small hole is not blocked with dirt before you inject it in to your clutch. Once you have cleaned it, replace it, gently tighten, then undo about half a turn to enable fluid to be pushed into system. when its full tighten nipple up. TLTEL
  2. My 95 Gas Gas has the same 6 bolt sprocket. I currently have a 42 tooth that was listed for a Sherco, it was the only one on ebay at the time that would fit my bike. So getting one shouldn't be a problem. Did'nt think of trying you. SHAVEY TLTEL
  3. My own experience, RAW sports top that I bought about 5 years ago is still in great condition and colour has not faded at all. Would definitely buy another , but don't need to. About a year ago bought a pair of wulf pants and they seem to be very good quality and not over priced, I caught my thy on a sharp root about 6 weeks ago. no damage to pants, leg is still healing. TLTEL
  4. Hi I'm guessing here but as its an auto when its in gear there is some drag in the system before it starts driving, so tick over needs to be high or else it would stall when at rest but in gear. Same as if you have a bike that has a dragging clutch (like my sons Gas gas) you have to have tick over high enough so it can cope with the drag when you stop moving but keep it in gear. TLTEL
  5. You clean your filter every second ride??? Really??? You need to get yourself a social life mate! TLTEL
  6. Or you can take your seal to a local seal/bearing supplier and get them off the shelf. Or try Simplybearings web site. TLTEL
  7. Hi. It sounds like you need to check out all your wiring and connectors and as Dan said grounds or earths. change the kill switch and if you don't need the lights, disconnect them too. Not sure if Betas have a thermostat or a thermo switch as on my gasser, but if your fan was running before engine was hot, but not when it was hot it seems like that needs replacing too. (if you didn't need it, it wouldn't be there) Check fan with an independent 12v supply, make sure it spins and keeps spinning. If you stopped as soon as engine boiled up you should be ok. The pinking could be caused by poor spark due to bad earthing of ignition system, so may go away once that's sorted. Its worth checking squish clearance as a thicker base gasket may be required (can cause pinking if too tight). When you buy a used bike you never know whats been done to it in the past. TLTEL
  8. Does your bike rev freely? It does sound like a mixture issue, I have never used the Kiehin carb but is it possible that the choke jet is not shutting off? If your plug is fouling that much it is probably time for a top end de-coke and clean out, exhaust too. TLTEL
  9. Yep. had pneumonia too. (not related to trialing) not very pleasant had both lungs drained, and on immune suppressants because I had a kidney transplant 14 years ago. Would advise get the ribs checked out! TLTEL
  10. The clicking is sooo bad, when you turn over in bed and it clicks, then you can't breath and you have to make it click back again. ouch! I was told to make sure I take deep breaths to expand my lungs so I didn't get a chest infection or pneumonia. (spelling?) TLTEL
  11. Hi. I am assuming that the 250 TLR is similar to the other small Honda singles as you are using CG clutch parts. If you remove the clutch basket you can get at the business end of the selector shaft and the star on the end of the selector drum. Its worth inspecting these parts as they do wear and also I have known the bolt on the spring loaded arm that locates the selector star to come undone, this will cause erratic gear changing. I would check in there before riding, as you don't want that little bolt coming out and getting mixed in with your gears. I doubt the problem is in the gearbox its self. TLTEL
  12. Pistons should normally have same amount of travel and would normally compress flush to calliper body. Sounds like one piston is doing all the work. I would get a seal and piston kit, strip it out and rebuild. Also sounds like you have some air trapped. TLTEL
  13. How old is your son? Do you plan on riding trial competitions. If he is under 16 he will be restricted to a 125. For ACU events anyway. I think it might be 250 for twinshock. TLTEL
  14. tltel

    Tl150 Hi Boy

    Are saying that you run the bike without fork springs??? Not heard of that before!! TLTEL
  15. Only you know how much riding you have done in any given period. I personally don't change mine to a set time period but if I have ridden lot over a few months I will change it (ATF Dex3) Drain it in to a clean container and look at the oil, Its a good indicator of whats going on inside the engine. By that I mean water seal leakage or any bits of broken bearing or as I found in my sons bike bits off the clutch friction plates. It can save you a lot of money if you catch a problem early. TLTEL Can't say I notice any different feeling in gears or clutch,
  16. My sons 94 jt125 clutch did the same. bought the complete clutch from gas gas uk, think it was close to £100 and that was a couple of years ago. TLTEL
  17. I would be more worried about fluid leaking out of the car, if that's how you park it!! TLTEL
  18. Just replace the thermo switch or sender (which ever one you have on your bike) If its faulty it might just stop working altogether next time out and boil up! TLTEL
  19. Not keen on the colour either. TLTEL
  20. And pockets full of white chocolate???
  21. Yes got one on mine, its an original from the seventies. I am sure Sammy Miller Products still sell them. Not much chance of a photo at the moment as it is at the back of the garage and not easy to get to. TLTEL
  22. Hi, I'm with 0007 here, bad fuel or bad fueling, or a faulty plug can cause heavy knocking, Too tight a squish will also make a horrible knock. could be a combination of one or two of these, obviously change the bearing, make sure you set your squish clearance (there is loads of info on this site ) clean carb, new plug, air filter, new fuel and check fuel flow. My bike always Knocks as its running out of fuel. TLTEL
  23. Hi.. I wouldn't personally recommend riding without a kill switch. I would think that you can download a wiring diagram, just do a search. Those two wires joined together are a bit strange, Is your fan running all the time the engine is on? TLTEL
  24. Hi Dougie Mines a Lager, cheers!! When you get started you won't be disappointed. I got great pleasure from teaching my son to ride, then the competitions (I was a newby too) and then watching him getting better and better, and then better than ME! Think he was 10 when he started. Enjoy!! TLTEL
  25. Hi Check the simple things first. wire connections to coil, cdi etc and earth ground connection. make sure kill switch isn't shorting out or wire trapped or pinched. plug cap. hopefully you will find something loose or corroded. TLTEL
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