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Everything posted by tltel
  1. Can't see how bubbles can rise to reservoir if piston is under pressure...Should be impossible!!! TLTEL
  2. Clarky Glad its fixed, modified, ok now, kept us all amused for a week. Just a question, you said that it never used to kick back, so do you think the timing had moved to make this problem happen, or something else. I am with Billy T in that I would want to know what had changed (does it need a de-coke for instance) to make a problem arise. TLTEL
  3. good luck with it, its one of those jobs that is either straight forward or a pain in the butt. You might have to force fluid through from the bleed nipple if the other way doesn't work. It can be quite messy so it is worth removing pads to stop them getting contaminated.( just remember not to pump pedal without pads in place) Its worth slotting in some old ones, if you have them while you work on the system. TLTEL
  4. Lots of chat!! Wonder what happened to Clarky. Probably down the Gym working those leg muscles, TLTEL
  5. I counted 5 plus an extra 2 whilst my computer was buffering. TLTEL
  6. seavoyage. My bike came to me with a sheared off kick starter, and tales of how hard it was to start. The new starter cost the same as I paid for the bike. I played with the base gaskets, I now have two in there and it is a great runner and starter, it also sorted out the pinking / pinging issues it had. Jse "If you cant start it you cant ride it" Takes me back to when I was 11 and wanted to ride my Dad's BSA C15, that's what he used to say to me. I did it eventually, TLTEL
  7. Hi Seavoyage That JT350 is exactly the same as my bike. I love it! TLTEL
  8. Hi are you sure its not your kick method that is at fault. I don't know much about Betas but I ride a JT350 and you never want to give this a lazy kick or a prod because it will kick back like a mule. I always give it a good long kick using my body weight and it will start first time nearly all the time. Gently find compression first then let kicker back to top then start. Find someone else with a 300 and compare. TLTEL
  9. Check the availability on the auction sites, as its a runner probably best to sell complete, certainly less hassle. I broke and sold a TYZ that had seized a few years ago and got about £500 for all the parts. Sold every thing but what a pain packaging and sending all the stuff in the post. The bike only cost me £100 so I didn't mind too much. TLTEL
  10. Hi check the Kill switch and wiring for corrosion, plus check earth connections. TLTEL
  11. Sounds like you have the Bob Marley model!! TLTEL
  12. Think he was hoping you all would say, "just get out and ride it" Talk about "**** on a mans fireworks". TLTEL
  13. So! Did your wife like her present? TLTEL
  14. Snobbly, I assume you were at Chads Farm, If you want to progress, try a Trial that has a yellow begginers route, you can always miss out a section if you don't like the look of it. I think there is a practise trial at Canada Hieghts soon too. What were you riding? TLTEL
  15. bambam-n-chunx As I said, just reading between the lines,it wasn't a" bite", just observation. When my son started riding (I think he was eleven) nothing would have stopped him wanting to ride. I hope you can find somewhere that he can get to practice where he is comfortable, not sure how your begginers trials work up your way, but I did one yesterday in Kent, they set out 4 routes and you pretty much ride what you want. Some small lads where just riding between the sections, great way to learn the basics. TLTEL
  16. Note to self. MUST BUY MY SELF A BARN! TLTEL
  17. View from out side, just going by what I have read on this site, it seems there was a bit of a communication problem, I would have thought that a competition of this size, organisers would at least be able to text riders with information. Please note not criticising the organisers / volunteers TLTEL
  18. Nice video. Nice play ground you have there. Good to see you didn't edit out the crash. WE ALL CRASH! TLTEL
  19. Hi Sounds like you need a new bike mechanic. TLTEL
  20. Hi Bambam-n-chunx, reading between the lines here, sounds like, Dad wants son to go trialing, son doesn't want to. TLTEL
  21. Fingers crossed that it does fix it without needing to split the cases again. Hope it hasnt cost too much so far. Its a great feeling when you solve the puzzle and you should have a good bike when its done. I sometimes think every one should be made to strip and rebuild a motor just to see what happens when you stomp on that gear lever with a size 10 boot or stab at the kickstart with out taking up the slack in the gear first. It makes me cringe watching some people starting there bikes, a guy told me on Sunday that he had snapped three kickstart shafts and thought it was a design fault, Then I saw him start it. Sorry slightly off topic rant there. TLTEL
  22. Hi check that the throttle tube isnt squashed or distorted, or full of mud causing it to bind on the handle bar, if its a domino then there is no spring. I did use a slow action tube for a while on my 350 gasgas but went back to the fast. As Chuckindenver says, I also find the smaller wrist movement to be more comfortable. TLTEL
  23. tltel

    Tl125S Set Up.

    glad you got it working. I run a standard (chinese copy) carb on mine with a 150 conversion and its fine, TLTEL
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