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Posts posted by tltel
  1. No the fluid will be petrol / air, it will eventually affect the engine performance. basically an air leak. If it is actually leaking you need to fix it.

    If you do it yourself don't separate the head from the barrel, it will save on seals.

    You need to get the correct thickness gasket too. not sure if they are colour coded.


  2. It's something you learn from experience, better to be loose than strip the thread out of the head, don't use a long tommy bar when you tighten it, and use your wrist rather than your arm.

    Same goes for most of the small engine bolts and fork clamps etc, I have a small Allen key spider tool and I find it great for the bike, it fits in my hand and a twist of the wrist is all that's needed to tweak most service bolts up without over doing it.


  3. Hi

    I thought the same actually, that's just the sort of dirt that bungs up your jets and spoils your day, I'm not going to say wash your bike better as I don't do it very well either, BUT if you are going to work on the bike make sure that area is clean at least.

    Second picture, thermostat or thermoswitch, it doesn't work like a car thermostat as it only switches the fan on and off, it does not control the water flow. There is not a cover for it, well not on the Gas Gas anyway.


  4. slightly off topic but I have just been looking at the photos for Sidcup and district motor cycle clubs Jack Thompson trial held last week. There were close to 100 entries, its a British bike only event and I don't know the regs for entry but what a great cross section of bikes and riders. Photos are definitely worth a look.

    I was going to watch (and listen) but had to work so could'nt make it.


  5. youre a brave man, owning up to that!!!!

    The choke is a plastic lever, usually just behind and below the fuel tap, left side of bike.(I am comparing to gas gas)

    Lift lever for on, it should point straight up, flip it down when it starts. If Its really cold you might want to leave it on for a bit or hold it half way till engine sounds happy.

    Hopefully you will get it running, but would still advise the clean out if it has been standing. Fuel oil mix does some strange things as it evaporates.


  6. assuming that you have stripped the carb to clean it, after first cleaning the outside body of the carb.

    You removed the jets including the choke jet. Cleaned them.

    Have you then set the fuel mixture screw to give a nice clean throttle response? Before setting the tick over

    screw to where you want it. (best done in gear with clutch in)

    Make sure Air filter is cleaned and oiled too.


  7. Hi If your bike has stood for a while, you need to clean out the carb and air filter, flush out the tank, put in new premix petrol and I would fit a new plug too.

    The bike should start easily with two or three kicks, from cold with choke on and hot, no choke.

    Do this and watch the video link above and you should have no problem.

    Don't make it hard for yourself by just kicking it hoping it will start. Once sorted use the bike to gain some fitness and most important have FUN !!

    Been there done it, and it's worth it mate.


  8. As others have said, first check it is a delorto carb (what bike and year is it ?) Set your fuel and just adjust revs via the air screw (bigger one with the nurled end)

    The big knurled screw is a throttle slider adjuster, it just alters the tick over speed by raising or lowering the slider. it does not alter the mixture.


  9. Hi. Its worth noting, assuming you have the Dellorto carb. The mixture screw controls fuel and NOT air. Therefore when you unscrew it you get more fuel, screw it in, less fuel.

    Just a tiny turn can make a big difference.

    Set tick over with the centre screw.


  10. could be that your carb bowl isn't holding enough fuel because the float height is too low and at constant high revs its running dry, but I would check fuel flow first, and if you have a dellorto carb clean the banjo filter on the side where the pipe is attached to carb.


  11. I hope you now have a good reliable set up. It is a great shame that you and many others are having to pay out such a lot of money to correct something that is basicly an obvious design fault, you can see that the lever is going to apply an uneven push on to the piston. It's a shame some of the skilled engineers involved in building the brakes and the bikes couldn't see it...

    It also wouldn't hurt some sort of good will gesture from manufacturers to at very least supply upgrades at cost or discounted prices.


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  12. I assume the expert has checked the fuel system, cleaned carb, checked flow from tank, cleaned carb banjo filter (dellorto) checked tank breather and fitted a new plug.

    Always change the plug with this sort of problem, they are cheap and easy, just to eliminate it.

    Crank seals are also quite cheap and easy enough to do but you will need a flywheel puller. (although it doesn't sound like a seal problem)

    good luck and let us know what you find.


  13. Welcome, and don't think you are too old at 51 to start riding trials. It will take you a while to get the hang of it but its worth it.

    I am the same age as you and been riding now for about five years (second time around) started occasional practice, then a trial every couple of months and now two or three a month and would do it every weekend if I had no other commitments.

    As has been suggested go to a local trial and see what a cross section of ages are there, I think where I ride the majority are over 40, some well over!

    Look around at the Trial to see what people are riding as that can vary with different parts of the Country (you didn't say where you are from)

    down here in Kent I think there are more Gas Gas and Betas, not very many Shercos or Monts or ossa's.

    Most people will tell you that what they ride is the best make, but I don't think there is any one make that is actually better, you don't very often see a break down at a Trial.

    If you want to work on the bike yourself, the two strokes are not that complicated but I would avoid a 4 stoke.

    Good luck


  14. Buy a small 1 litre bottle of ATF and it will most likely have a tube in the lid that fits nicely in the filler hole.

    I have a few small bottles and fill them from a 5 lire can, same goes for fork oil keep them clean and reuse over and over.



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  15. Why should he go?

    Would you if you got paid millions to ride the best bikes in the world?

    He clearly still enjoys riding and Yamaha still want him.

    He has just committed to the VR46 racing academy to develop young riders for the future so he is also putting something back into the sport.

    How about getting rid of Danny Pedrosa, He is so boring.


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