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Everything posted by pierre66
  1. Thanks for the replies. Yes, its the white throttle tube and its a conical air filter same as this: http://www.trialsbits.co.uk/product_info.php?cPath=34_35&products_id=28 Always blow it out after every trial. Tried running it in the garage without air filter and its still lumpy at 1/4 throttle. Thanks for verifying those carb settings Woody, at least I know they are something like, mines a standard dizzy engine with electrex electronic ignition. I have a teflon spacer, its only about 6mm though, could maybe go to 10mm but not a lot of room between carb and oil tank. If I`m honest its always been lumpy at 1/4 throttle and the "cough/stall" coming off tickover, on the clubman route I`ve ridden round it but now I`m trying the expert route its harder to ride round this small problem. Thanks again guys.
  2. Hi, I have a 1961 BSA C15 with an Amal MK1 carb. The bike runs ok but you have to be very gentle when you open the throttle from tickover or it will stall and it is a bit lumpy on 1/4 throttle. The carb is a 622. 3 1/2 slide. needle on middle groove. 110 main jet. 105 needle jet. Pilot air screw about 3/4 turns out. Pilot bush fitted, I believe this is a 25. The plug is black, not wet and never fouls (touch wood) Will be grateful for any advice or opinions. Cheers.
  3. Well,I added a second spring, the same length as the original but smaller in diameter so the coils don`t touch, this seems to have solved the problem my son was having.
  4. Hi all, my sons TY80. i have removed the oil pump and made up a new single throttle cable, the problem my son is having now is the throttle is very, very light and when he pulls the front brake he`s twisting the throttle at the same time (this wasn`t happening before) this has lead to a couple of big off`s, he`s new to bikes and this has really dented his confidence. i`ve tried moving the brake lever but no different so i was wondering if you can get a stronger slide spring so the throttle doesn`t twist as easy? any other suggestions will be appreciated, bearing in mind he`s a new rider and all he`s doing is riding round on it, not competing. cheers.
  5. is the air filter blocked? i had a two stroke a few years ago that would run ok but if you neglected to keep the air filter spotlessly clean it would four stroke, unlike yours it would play up at higher revs and when the engine had a bit of load on it, clean the filter and it would be ok again. looking back there were probably other issues at work here but cleaning the filter always seemed to cure it so.........
  6. I`ve had electrex fitted to my C15 for nearly a year now and am pleased with it, it cured a low rev "cough" that usually resulted in a 5. poor low rev charging= weak spark = fitting was straight forwards enough (thanks Dave) the only problem really was the slots on the stator plate are quite a bit wider than the stator posts so setting the air gap around the rotor was a bit of a pain, a removable thin plastic spacer that fits around the rotor and holds the air gap might make it easier i think. one other thing, now that i don`t have any points to fiddle with/clean/adjust etc i now find myself sat in the garage twiddling my thumbs looking for other "jobs" that need doing.
  7. Hi, as far as i know the selector forks go back the same way. to give it a one up/three down pattern you would have to cut the spacer off the camplate and weld it back on the other side but the selector forks would still sit in the two tracks. heres a pic. of how it should look with a standard gear pattern, i think its in neutral or there abouts. as for the jumping out of gear, if its been ok before then i don`t think its a shimming issue although if everything "kind of fell out" you may have that problem now. mine was jumping out of second gear and it was a combination of worn second gear dogs and worn camplate tracks. i have found a book called Rupert Ratio to be a great help with these bikes. hope you get it sorted.
  8. Hi all, has anyone tried these new boots from Forma, they retail for
  9. Hi, could there be an air leak caused by worn crankshaft oil seals? i`ve also heard of bikes having to be towed to start them after a severe de-coking. best of luck sorting it.
  10. Hi all, thanks for the replies, 100ml of oil to 5 litres of fuel it is then. spinningplates, you should have a pm and thanks for the kind offer.
  11. Hi all, just bought my son a ty80 and, as i`m new to these little stinkwheels, i have a couple of questions. i have looked on here for the petroil pre mix ratio and have found 40:1, 50:1 and 66:1, are these measurements in millilitres to litres? if they are i would have thought 25:1 or 35:1 would have been plenty when using modern oils, also, will sae 10 w 40 be ok in the gearbox as i can`t find any sae10 w 30 anywhere? thanks in advance for any help. Pete.
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