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  1. squid


    Very nice indeed. Alot of love+time+cash has gone into that diddy beast. Iam sure if every kid could of had one the world would be different place. Squid.
  2. squid

    I Dont Know.

    Thanks for those Andy T, Monty Jon and Feetupfun. I'll take a look at the weekend. Thanks for your time. Cheers Squid.
  3. squid

    I Dont Know.

    Hello out there. I took me Ty 125 out for the first time in months the other day. I cleaned the carb as per usual and it ran the best it has since I've had it. Thought I'd get out today for a bit. Kicked her over,put her in to first and pulled away. What I got was a horrible whining sound and I couldn't get it into gear properly. Horrible pitch and no power. If its the carb again I had very good explanation from you guys on that so I can redo it if necessary. Would a new jet be needed? Cheers. Squid.
  4. squid

    Ty175 Project

    Check this out http://oldbikehack.blogspot.com/2010/01/ho...-rust-tank.html
  5. squid

    Ty175 Project

    Yes,I've just restored my tank last week. The product I used is called restom and it works a treat. Its a 3 stage treatment. 1st product degreases 2nd one gets rid of the rust and the 3rds a resin to seal it. I've used it before and its brilliant. Iam in france but Iam sure you can get it else where or another manufacturer.
  6. squid

    Pilot Jet

    Hello Houseape1000. Man I've had this carb off so many times in the last month. It does look clean in there now though. I havn't tried the wire way but Iam desperate so Iam going to give it a go. Hope this gets the juice flowing proper as I've got the shakes from not gettin out. The Carbs a Mikuni. I cant see any reference markings on it but its the 125 model. Cheers Squid.
  7. squid

    Pilot Jet

    I popped me pilot jet out and its clean, I'll buy a new one anyway to replace it though as its a little chewed on the head. Anyother thoughts as to me problem ie the lurching question. Cheers Squid.
  8. squid


    Thanks 2/4 I'll take a look at that. Thanks also houseape1000 and Andy T I'll order a new pilot jet. Been right pants this ongoing thing, Summers nearly on us so all the country side will be closed off due to wild fires. Soon all this mud will be dust and I love mud. Cheers Squid
  9. squid


    Hello. Well when I pull away the bike sorta judda's away. I havn't been on the bike for a month as I've just restored the tank,inside and out. New petrol tap and cleaned me carb,top to toe.6 th time. This is me first bike and I got to say once again its all new to me,as in rideing technique as well. Today I went out and the juddering happened but once it was warmed up it seemed ok, then once I got to the place I like to muck about, I turn to attack a diddy climb in 1st gear and the little beast judders and dies quarter way up the mound. Start her up and Iam lurchin again and I need to rev hard to get it to bite. Could this be the contacts? Cheers Squid.
  10. squid

    Fuel In Exhaust

    Thanks Tony. I'll get at that tomorrow. Hope that will alow me to get back out there. Much appreciated. Squid.
  11. squid

    Fuel In Exhaust

    Thanks for these answers Big John and Andy T I have taken me exhaust off a couple of months back and given it alot of heat to get the muck out. I did replace the exhaust gasket and the diddy o ring too. Andy my exhaust is sealed so I cant do what you recommend. I think I did a good job of cleaning that pipe. I've tinkered with the little bit between the floats to the measure you recommended and it was better But I think I need to get a new float because I've had this problem since I bought the bike. You mention also the petrol tank cock. I took the tap off last weekend. The 2 gauze pipes and all around the little orange washer was encrusted in black gunk. The washer looked tired also. I replaced the rubber thing with the four holes +the rubber washer at the base but not the sad looking orange one. I guess it would be best to replace the whole tap as the gauze on thoe pipes looked like they'd had enough. Chewy. When is it you'll be in France? Thanks again for your help. Cheers Squid.
  12. squid

    Fuel In Exhaust

    Hello. Please tell me why Iam gettin fuel spitting out of me exhaust. Cheers Squid.
  13. squid

    Bubble Exhaust

    Hello out there. I've cleaned me carb and its alot better.Finally took me petral tap out to have a look and it was a right mucky object. Anyway Iam still getting fuel bubblin out of the end of the exhaust. Would this still be the float in me carb being faulty? Cheers Squid.
  14. squid

    Carb Jet

    Thanks Tony283 & Andy T again. I did all as said when I bent your ears with this one a couple of weeks ago. I missed taking this pilot jet fella out last time ,so I gentle got him out but then thought does this need some sort of setting. Iam now reading loud and clear. Sorry, Iam one of those special needs people. Cheers Squid.
  15. squid

    Carb Jet

    Hello. I forgot to ask in me last mail about the pilot jet. Is this little piece screwed all the way in. Cheers . Squid.
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