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Posts posted by guy53
  1. Got home tonight with a new rear Dunlop 803GP in the trunk off the car. The plan is not to leave it there, so, again I need advice. I never change a tubeless tire on a moto. Looking at YouTube file, they make it look easier than Harry Potter would do it with a flick of is wand. I change a lot off tube type tire, any thing I should be aware off.



  2. Right on with the details David. When I have a rebore done on one of my TY with Yamaha piston , I usually ask for a .002 inch clearance and I do the running in over 2 days : first morning, start and run for about 30 sec, and in the afternoon, start and run until I can feel the heat  on the cyl., let it cool and repeat. The next day I repeat but i run it longer. I know it's over over  overkill but I had one done ever 10 years ago that has not started to rattle yet.



  3. Just back from a ride this morning. Thank's to Jimmyl  that was not so bad, at 3.5 psi in the VEE it's much better but the plan to change it over the winter is still on, the front Dunlop is also better at 5psi. I checked the price of the rear Michelin vs the IRC, there is a big difference. Is the difference between the 2 in performance as big as the price diff.?



  4. The VEE was not free but on the bike when I bought it. The plan is to replace it this winter for a Michelin as they are more common around here if I decide to keep the bike .So I will try it at 3.5psi the next ride. What about the Dunlop front, it too proved to be.. what is the word ho yea '' scary '' at time 5.5psi ok ?


  5. I'm just back from a ride on my 03 rev and found out it did not have the traction I wanted. The first few rides on it ( purchase recently ) where great, no traction issue, today the mountain I go was a little '' greasy '' and I did not like the feel of the bike. I know the tubless Vee Rubber on the rear is not the greatest, but I think my lack of knowledge is the first problem. I ride TS with tube type Michelin front and back at 5.5psi fr and 3.5 to 4 psi back and rear IRC at 5.5psi. I rode this morning with 5.5 front in the Dunlop and 4.5 in the Vee Rubber. By how much was I off ?


  6. I had the same problem from time to time with my B model ( std Mikuni carb. ), I tried playing with the needle eight, main jet etc. . I change the pilot jet to a #40 and it did made it a lot better.



  7. Copemech, you started my day laughing and feeling stupid ( still laughing ) I want to find out if there is any mudguard avalable to replace the one on my bike if it break. Since I live in Canada, spare are rare.


    Sorry It was clear in my mind, definitely not on paper.



  8. I really like the way you can '' tune '' the TY 250 motor with the different model parts. I build a test motor that I setup in a standard 434 frame and tested it with the same suspension, brake, tire ect. It is easy to transform one from a diesel kind of power band to an enduro type of power. BUT I think the transmission is it's weak point, not the reliability but gear spacing. Also it's a wide and heavy motor. Don't get me wrong, I won't trade or sell my TY tomorrow, when you ride one for a while you get use to that, another great plus for the Yamaha: parts.



  9. Back in the days... Yes I am that old, the brake where made to slow your bike down to a complete stop, if you where brillant enough to judge the speed you where going in comparaison to the point you aimed for that complete stop. Now, I can understand that one wish to make old drum brake as good as new disk one, but, experience say's that the more effective you make those drum brake, the less time they work that good. I wish I would know why.



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  10. Hi David. I've been to 3 exhaust shop, as soon as I say the word motorcycle, they start slipping and sliding all over the place. The thing is, I never asked any of them to bend some pipe to make a.... I don't know tire rack ! thank's for the idea, as soon as I have a moment, I'm on the job.


  11. Cutting the head pipe is the last ting I want to do, I would not mind adding 1/4 or 1/2 inch . I have no reference to a Majesty here in Quebec, and I wonder if the standard exhaust fit on a Majesty first edition.



  12. I have a TS 250 with the motor raised an inch, I stil have the standard aluminium gas tank so the exhaust is too high, I bought à Wes muffler and silencer, now I'm going for the head pipe. I think the Wes pipe will give me the same problem as the original, am I right ? Is there any other options ?


  13. A friend ask me about taking off the oil pump on is TY ( 493-101 ), no problem just take the front cover off, unscrew the pump and pull the shaft and bushing off install a cover with a gasket: voila! the pump is out ( just block the oil intake at the motor ) I never had one that had a clip inside the clutch cover. Was I just lucky ?

    And If I want to replace the standard light with LED any advise ?


  14. I needed liability ins. on my bike to make them legal for transport ( long story here in Quebec ) $100.00 for $1,000,000.00( yes one million ) one bike and $116.00 for 2 bike ( 1: beta rev 250 2003, 2: 1975 TY ). Liability only, I did not want other protection.


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