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Everything posted by coxy
  1. Hi Currently rebuilding a front brake calliper on a 2010 Gas Gas pro which I was having trouble with the front brake binding and getting hot causing the front wheel to lock. Dismantled the calliper and removed the old pistons and seals to put fresh ones in. I have thoroughly cleaned the seal grooves and calliper ready to put them in. My question is does anybody have any tips for installing the new front pistons and seals? obviously a bit of brake fluid on the piston will aid installation but any other tips? Can the pistons be put in the freezer to make them smaller to ease installation? Cheers
  2. Im presuming by your comments you've ground down the open end of the 13mm spanner you are using? Turn it round or use a ring spanner instead and grind down the ring end to fit. Make sure you use the star ring spanner with lots of small contacts instead of the ring spanner with only 6 sides as you can get the spanner on in more places. Thats what i did when i refreshed the top end on my gasser and it worked a treat. The ring end of the spanner will be quite thin but will have enough strength to undo the nut. Hope you understand what i mean and hope it helps.
  3. coxy

    Barrel Replating

    Thanks for the replies I did think that having it replated seemed abit excessive to say it's only a 2010 bike which ive owned from new and its not been thrashed or anything. The bike sounded sweet as a nut before I took the head off so can't see any reason why I would need to do anymore apart from put new rings in it
  4. coxy

    Barrel Replating

    Hi Ive been having trouble recently with my cylinder head o rings and thought whilst I had the head off id put a new set of rings and little end bearing in the bike to freshen it up abit. Its a 2010 gasgas pro 300 racing thats probably got around 800hrs on it minimum.(4hrs per weekend 52 weekends a year x4) and was wondering would I need to have the piston replaced and barrel replated or not? The piston looks pretty good, only has a slight amount of black around one part of the piston and the barrel has no dark or grey patches or any lips or markings so would you put a new piston and get the barrel replated or not?
  5. coxy

    Poor Running

    My dad has a fiesta which does the same as your buggy. Its due to condensation mixing with the oil around the oil filler reservoir. With the bike I think I've found what is causing the grey sludge. The small o ring sealing the two inserts for the cylinder head is leaking which seems to be causing the coolant to oxidise and create the grey sludge stuff. Just need to sort out the poor running now
  6. coxy

    Poor Running

    Hi Ive got a 2010 gasgas 300 racing that isn't running very well and believe it could be a cylinder head o ring issue. when starting the bike after been stood a week the bike runs very poorly for the first minute or so and the bike gets very hot until it clears itself and then will run ok and temperature will be fine after that On low or high revs but if a short snap of throttle is required then it splutters and won't rev crisply. When I looked into it the plug is black but when checking the coolant there's a grey coloured sludge in the filler cap (see photo) but no visible loss of coolant. Could this be a cylinder head o ring problem and coolant is getting into the cylinder or oil/fuel mixture into the coolant? Ive altered the mixture screw both leaner and richer and it makes no difference to the engine when a small blip of throttle is needed.
  7. Try taking the caliper off, removing the pads and give all around the pistons and inside where the pads sit a really good clean. I have had the same issue several times and found that cleaning the inside sorts it out. Think it is because mud goes hard and sets around the pistons/seals and then when the bike is used again the hard mud won't let the piston return causing the brake pads to bind causing the extreme heat. I now carry a 5 litre bottle of water in the van so if I happens I pour some water over the disc etc and it usually sorts it out so I can finish the trial and get home and then give it all a real good clean
  8. Coolant colour isnt important as you find that it changes with different companies. What is important is that you get a coolant which is safe to use with aluminium. I use putoline coolant in my 300 racing with no problems and its a green colour
  9. Im currently running my ec300 at 2% mix which is 100ml of oil to 5litres of fuel. Ktm manual states that your bike should be running at 60:1 which is around 85ml of oil to 5 litres of fuel. Anywhere between 85 and 100ml of oil would be sufficient with a good quality synthetic oil really
  10. coxy

    Gasgas Ohlins

    Thanks for your help. I know last time i had one sent off the guy who did it returned it to the settings that gasgas used. I just wanted to get the spring length and damping settings which gasgas set them to as a base so i can then make my own adjustments and also see if he had set it back to factory
  11. coxy

    Gasgas Ohlins

    Hi i have a 2010 gasser 300 racing model with the ohlins rear shock. Could anyone tell me what the standard settings are for spring length and for damping. I presume that when its been rebuilt it was put back to standard settings but just when to check Thanks Coxy
  12. coxy

    Po Go Pro

    Is it the standard sachs shock that you have or do you have an ohlins shock? The ohlins can definitely be rebuilt i had mine on my last bike rebuilt twice due to it dumping all its damping oil which sounds similar to whats happened to you. Im pretty sure the sachs shock can also be rebuilt but not entirely sure who by though. If you search for shock rebuilders or specialist near your area and give them a call you might be able to get some help or find someone who will rebuild it for you
  13. I had exactly the same problem with my back brake about a month ago. It was the seal thats had gone in the master cylinder that needed replacing. About
  14. From what i remember it also damaged the casing gasket. Best thing i would say to do is to check it or put a new one on for the small price which a gasket costs and then cut the rubber down so it doesnt happen again.
  15. Ive not got a sherco but know a few people that have had the 2012 model who have had that problem. The problem was that when riding the bike and landing on the sump it would push force up through the rubber which would in turn push the clutch casing up causing the casing to move and leak oil out the bottom. The solution was to cut the rubber on the clutch casing side so that it didnt sit under the clutch casing itself just under the engine. Hope that helps.
  16. I didnt get anything for my bike but got a new helmet, a mots carbon one, been out to try it today and it felt very light.
  17. coxy

    Overheating Gasser

    Many thanks for the replies people. Tested the thermostat with the correct method tonight of joining the two wires. Started the bike up briefly and the fan spun up straight away. Looks like its the thermo thats gone so took the old one out and ordered a new one. I now know how to bypass the thermo properly incase i need to do it again in the future. Cheers
  18. coxy

    Overheating Gasser

    Ok thanks guys will try again tonight and see how it goes.
  19. coxy

    Overheating Gasser

    How would connecting the two thermo wires together help as it would just short circuit back to earth then wouldnt it? I will give it a try though and see if it works tomorrow. How do you check if the radiator pressure cap is working? Cheers
  20. Hi Went out to a trial today and after about 15 mins of riding i noticed that the bike was overheating. At first i though it was the thermo-switch in the top of the radiator so tried by-passing this by connecting a small wire between the thermo wire (not the one going to the earth) and a live wire used for the wiring (have i by-passed the thermo correctly?) and nothing happened the fan didnt come in or anything. Got the bike home and took the bike to bits, connected the fan connector upto a 12v dc supply and it spun up no problems. Does anyone have any other ideas of what could be causing the fan not to cut in and out? Cheers
  21. Hi Im thinking of riding the sheffield and hallamshire trial at dudwood farm on sunday. Im just wondering does anybody know what time it starts as i cant find any information about it on the web. Also what rules does the club run and what are sections like difficulty wise?
  22. Hi i use either putoline tt trial pro or mx5 and both are pretty good and both blue in colour. The trial pro stuff is specifically designed for trials bike so would try get some of that before looking anywhere else or at other options. Thinks its around
  23. You can use the throttle and clutch to bring the front wheel up when hopping. Only very small amounts of both are needed though but as you say i would just keep practising and you will master your own technique as you become better at it
  24. coxy

    2013 Racing

    Hi all Im wondering if anyone could help me, im looking at buying a new bike about february/march time and like the look of the new 2013 racing model. Im just wondering do they still limit the amount of racing models that are produced and sold or is it a case of order it and they will make it? Cheers
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