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Everything posted by coxy
  1. when riding your bike every so often rev it to its max for maybe 2-3 seconds this will clean the bike out and should get rid of any sludge or carbon in your bikes barrel and on the piston/ cylinder head, i do this at least once everytime i go out on my bike
  2. haven trialsport may have the products in stock or if not im almost certain that they would be able to order them for you contact details etc on www.trialsbike.co.uk
  3. coxy

    Keihin Carb.

    gas gas uk do a keihin carb convertion for the gas gas pro and yeh you can fit a keihin on a 125 i think you just have to change the jettings or fiddle about with it, if you`ve got any queries get in touch with them and ask them yourself im sure that they would be very helpfull i think that the keihin carb gives smoother power delivery and allows the bike to rev higher and cleaner or thats what ive been told what do carbon jets do?? ive never heard of them before
  4. take the tyre and rim tape off as well as taking the valve out give all a real good clean and make sure that all spokes are tight, i then put a small amount of grease where rim tape is going to go then put rim tape back on making sure its in the small little grooves at the side of the wheel and then put valve back in and tyre on then blow it up shouldn`t have a problem after that
  5. put a 10 on front and leave the back at a 44
  6. hi have you got any pictures or information on the new 06 gasgas 125 racing model wouldn`t mind having a look at them as my mate is getting one quite soon cheers
  7. suspension will be harder to compress and when riding over small rocks or bumps then u will feel them instead of the suspension taking it up. also if you take the back bearings out on the suspension i would change them even if they are in quite good condition if your bike is 1-2 years old. i take my suspension apart every month to 3 months to grease and check the condition of the bearings coxy
  8. allowing raga to beat fajardo in the races but what an awesome ride by the young spaniard very very impressed and the speed he did them barrels was sensational dunor how he did it but it wer god damn good cant wait for the pictures to come out their guna b mint overall very good night with lots to watch including the great marc vinco on the pushbike
  9. coxy

    Gasser Mods

    i do ride it near enough every weekend i just want some trick parts on it to make it a bit different from just a standard blue gasser. that yello gasser on the link is mint a like it
  10. coxy

    Gasser Mods

    has anyone get any tips or information on mods or trick bits they put on their gassers, got an 06 250 and was wondering what i could do to it for future reference cheers
  11. so if freixa has gone to scorpa who is riding in his place for montesa on the 4t??
  12. i have a 250 06 pro and find that it grips really well, it int all about the bike though its the rider as its more the technique to get the bak wheel to grip, alot could also count of how much pressure you got in back tire etc or so av been told :hat:
  13. from what i have been told it is the last year that youth a riders are allowed on 250 bikes and after the 2006 season it will be all 125 bikes
  14. hi yeah it was a good day really good and well planned out had great fun riding the bikes that were available especially the scorpa 4tricks, mathew and adam were there yes on their own bikes
  15. coxy

    Sherco 4t

    anyone got or even tried the new 4t sherco yet?? wots it like
  16. can you direct me like i cant find the trials part or tell me wot to clik on seys it in japeneses or summats
  17. coxy


    has anyone got any videos of both youths and adult riders either websites or links as to which i can watch, am bored and cant seem to find many videos cheers
  18. just been to haven trialsport and seen both the 125 and 250 06 sherco not really sure if a like them or not, one thing i deffinitely dont like is the pointy end of the sherco mudguard on the back, not sure about the black frame neither
  19. coxy

    06 Gas Gas

    hi i would like some help as i have just bought an 06 gasser 250 and sometimes when warm it takes a few kicks to start it any foughts would help cheers
  20. the dave cooper rack is a very good buy i have one myself and it is easy to use and also can be put on and off very easily
  21. try turning the tickover up a little see if that helps to smooth it out a bit
  22. could be that your thermostat has broken and you need a new one that is what was wrong with my fan when it wasn`t workin and my bike overheated just the same
  23. ok cheers mate a found it a dint see it there
  24. has any one got the hawkstone park world round website address as i cant find it anywhere
  25. what about the up and coming riders for example youth b riders in particular as they will be 24/25 at that time and hopefully will have a very good chance of winning the olympics if trials is ever in there
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