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Everything posted by coxy
  1. alexz wigg is on a gas gas, also adam jones who is also on a gas gas both are aged 15
  2. if they are anything like the tank stickers i put on they are really sticky and once you have them on it is hard to get them off hope that helps also when you put them on start in one corner of the tank and make sure no air is underneath it, also when you are putting them on dont hold it with your fingers by the edge as it will not stick and eventually will come off
  3. i ride the easy route but hopefully shud be moving into the middle route as i wud like to get a bit betta then i am at the minute as i like the harder sections more than the easy sections
  4. this is me on ma bike at metheringham quarry, lincoln a couple of weeks back
  5. a got an 01 txt 200 for ma first eva trials bike n it is very good, it will do anything i want it to do with plenty of power for hills n rock steps
  6. yes adam raga does have the ohlins shock on his bike
  7. coxy

    Sherco Nightmare

    i dunno if this will help you but i had the same problem of it going to full revs on my motor cross bike, i found out after a short while of stripping parts and cleaning them etc that the throtle cable had frayed half way and was jamming open the throttle and also that the throttle had too much grease on the bars/throttle casing so it was also holding the throttle and not letting it move as it should
  8. depends on whether you want a new one or second hand/ reconditioned one
  9. orite i dont know that bob thanks for telling us
  10. i have just looked on eurosport and the buenos aires world indoor is on at 11.45pm on eurosport1 on 29th march also the belfast world indoor is on at 11pm eurosport1 5th of april hope they r gud cos i`ll definitely be watching em even if i av to tape em
  11. does anyone know when belfast world round is on eurosport i have watched every other one and dont wonna miss this one cheers!
  12. looks bloody gorgoues if u ask me, shame i cant have one though how much are they do you know??
  13. i bet it is lighter than the original bike as wel and has the clutch cases and swinging arm stuff on like the raga replica
  14. ive got a txt 200 and if u put in third up a slippy muddy bank it will just pull me up easy as anything and it has got just enough power for what i want it to do. what i am trying to say is that if i was you i would also look at the gas gas 200:)
  15. obviuosly adam raga has been training hard and is very good indoors but look at him when he goes outdoors he isnt as good so what are you complaining at we cant all be good at both indoor and outdoor events and adams best event is indoors. also if the 4 stroke machines cant do he stuff that the two stroke machines are doing either go back onto a 2 stroke or up the performance of the 4 stroke until it can do the same sort of steps etc that the 2 strokers are doing. also the 4 stroke is new dont forget so a bike cant just come out and be perfect straight away. it takes time for any bike manufacturer to get a bike sort of spot on but there can still be things that need changing I THINK U ALL WAS EXPECTING TOO MUCH TOO SOON FOR THE 4 STROKERS!!!!!!
  16. coxy

    Gasgas Txt Fuel Tank

    nor i dint think that it was that bad a price neither seen although i fought it wud be like
  17. you need to have lights on etc for the bike to be legal for the road
  18. coxy

    Gasgas Txt Fuel Tank

    nor ur orite matt i`ll leave that one my dad has ordered me one and its gunna be here on friday hopefully from haven but i think i`ll leave it off for a while until scunny trial incase i dint that as well
  19. does anyone know any prices for a gasgas txt 2001 fuel tank as i have recently put a bad dent into it and would like to buy a new one if i could??
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