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  1. Just To let folks know YMSA Bike trials will be hold a Club event at Bracken Rocks Matlock on May 2nd Sunday all classes covered so if you want to give it a go info at the web site www.ymsa-biketrials.co.uk were you can down load an entry form many thanks DB
  2. how did you end up with it ie new stator or rewind ?? thanks
  3. YMSA bike trials are running an a super trials event 4th july 2010 more info on there site at www.ymsa-biketrials.co.uk Danny
  4. Wont harm it in any way but dont know about the reuse on the head gasket !!, as for the pinking take a look at the air screw needs olny to be around 1 1/4 - 1 1/2 turns out this will help at the bottom mate ok. Danny
  5. this event will not be run this year sorry, next big event will be YMSA super trial at Becketts farm in the midlands take a look at www.ymsa-biketrials.co.uk Danny
  6. Ok we are in the right place now so best to update any one on the general Bike trials comps etc last thing asked for was any vids of me i will look for some links and post them in a bit Danny B
  7. if you want i willl start a new tread in bike trials now. called trials in the UK now !! hope this helps and we can carry on there many thanks DannyB
  8. as it was my first post i was trying to introduce myself as the title of this area of the forum and was in no way trying to get a free add and sorry it was taken this way, yes i am a pro rider and when asked who i am i tend to introduce myself fully and this is what i did, as for some one saying the the member Matt is bumming me soroy for my french, i have to say hand on haert i do not know matt in anyway and dont think i have ever meet him and if i have then Matt i am sorry to say i dont remember everyone i meet in riding very sorry. i have joined for 2 things one as i am thinking of buying a trials bike just to do a bit on in my closed season and also i hope to give a bit more info and some pics and posts in the bike trials area of the forum. as for taking a full add yes i may do this as i have a number of adds in differant forums across the board of tow wheeled sports. also on the bike trials front it is my Farther that runs the YMSA club for Bike trials and i hope also i came give some riders on here a little bit of info on any of the events coming in 2010. again i hope none of the above is agian taken as an add in any way and hope to get out there and ride a little with fellow members. Yours Danny Butler British Trials Champion Bike Trial
  9. Just a quick hello, dont know were my last post went ?? well no problem thanks Danny
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