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Posts posted by 08300ggjaquish
  1. thanks guys, so far its cost me a rear fender and few bruises but getting better. ground is wet this time of year here in NC thats not helping. cant wait for summer, so gas gas!

  2. This is going to sound very selfish...

    I know that i will always be riding something over something regardless if there will be anybody out there with me.

    If there is a dealer left i will buy from them.

    If there are people willing to join me I will ride with them.

    If some one wants to learn how I will show them all that I know.

    I grew up with this sport and I won't stop trying it.

    In college i couldnt afford a bike but i got a hand me down enduro rd360 that i used as my commuter bike. I would ride trials with that almost every day to school. I got it impounded once because I was riding over the rail road tracks near college.

    What ever it takes I will ride. I know that there are others there like me and that is what keeps this sport alive.


    amen when i was a kid i couldnt afford a dirt bike was given a honda CB 350 striped it down rode dirt snow and ice year round in TC

    MICH took me 15 years to get GasGAS 38 yrs old but every time i ride i feel just like that kid again ride on invite everyone to come along

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