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Hi Gents, Following a night with rubber gloves & a spinning of the spanners in the company of another forum member Rick Torkington, aka Torky / SilverFox (not sure what his user ID is on here!) we sort of have a result.... it's consistnant, but I
Cheers for the replies... There's probably a number of things which I need to look at - technique, as I suspect I'm not getting engine spinning over, which adding into it a standard electrode plug won't be aiding my efforts. I'll check the float height & I also have an #80 jet which I can sling in whilst I'm there, and I'll double check the plug gap. The head spacer sounds like a good fall back - does it have any side effects apart from a loss of power, which doesn't really matter to me. RTS
Hello, This appears to be a common thread on these bikes - as in they can be hard to start. My '09 250 TXT Pro just depresses me to be honest, it's getting to the point where I choose not got use it as it will play up at some point by not starting. I've a KTM 200 Enduro bike and that's a dream to boot over in comparison! The GG has got a 36D needle on the 3rd clip position from the top, a 118 main, a 33 idle and a 70 starting jet (I've tried a 90 in there with no success). Mixture screw is about 3 turns out from fully closed. It does tend to start eventually with the choke on, but it's not exactly a first kick even in that scenario. The plug when we pulled it during it's last hissy fit was a very light tan (suggesting lean) but dry. From what I can recall the spark was OK last time I looked at it (trying not to shock myself whilst checking it). For some reason it's got a Ducati CDI on it, I'm assuming that's standard fit. The main problem is that I've a busted knee cap and from my last outing on the GG the excessive kicking has tweaked the damned thing again so I'm nursing my right leg until it settles back down again... riding isn't too much of an issue and I wear enduro knee braces even for trials work just in case I bin it. Anyway... just thought I'd ask for any pointers before I break out the rag in the gas tank and the box of matches..... Regards, RicTS.
I run the stated pressures, but, they'll be for a van full of bricks to be frank. I wouldn't expect there to be an issue with running slightly lower pressures.... not sure what would happen if you had a big prang and the cops found you running 32 instead of 50 though - could be an insurance cop out clause looming... Having said that pumping them up to 50Psi is a PITA, even my meduim compressor complains.. RTS
I looked at one for gettig my (ex) Enduro bike into, I reckoned with the front seat folded flat you could do it. But then I pitched up at the Renault dealer looking at the second hand estate cars.... I spoke to the "Van Man" out of interest asking what they cost, the reply was "I'll do you 33% off the list price and all accessories", no blagging, no hard sell. A new Renault Trafic with toys and nice paint, was less than the second hand estate. I've spoken to other owners at events and most have mentioned similar deals. I'm not sure what Vauxhall or Nissan give off thier vans, the Renault at the time gave the best base config for the money (OK the Nissan had rear sensors, but the front panel was pig ugly). Personally I'd not go smaller than my Trafic, it's the right size for driving on a day to day basis, it'll go fast enough to get you banned should you be so inclined and it sips fuel. It's also 3.5T rated, so OK for car parks and the standard roof is just under 6' from ground, so will get under most barriers. Personally I love it, I spend 90% of my time driving on my own, 5% with the kids... so the three seats are filled. If the Missus is coming along, we jump into the Berlingo (Poo car by the way). A crew cab 4x4 Sprinter would be top of the pops.... but they're like hens teeth and huge money. RTS
Is the bike V5'd, I have the same issue as the original poster as in I need insurance. I have a policy for CN based on my old Enduro Bilke (sold) which I wanted to swap tho the Gasser, but I thought you had to have a plate on it? RTS
Cheers for all of the replies... I'll get myself a lid and keep and eye out for some trials boots on flea-bay. The Bell helmet I have is sound for a "glancing" blow such as what you'd get skateboarding, I wouldn't fancy a dead drop situation in it, also looking at my MX lid there are some scars on it where it's been smacked hard, but I've not realised. As fo the MX boots, as I'm sure you're aware they're pretty much lock your feet in and you can stomp around in them like a storm trooper, I will have to defer buying those as I've just been given a "bill" from the IRS gov't again.... which will also take care of buying an Enduro bike again.. (only spare cash I had!)... but the Gasser is paid for & in the garage!!!.... glass half full I reckon!. RTS
Hmmm, quite an accurate statement to be fair.... now I can throw my bike and body down a muddy hill WITHOUT travelling to Wales and spending the wrong end of
RichT, As a (ex-racing) member of the Manchester 17 / M17 I can whole heartedly recommend the trials side of the club. They do dead easy trials for novices / non-competetive riders and people starting out, like yourself (and me). The club meets on Tuesday nights not too far from where you live. www.manchester17.org.uk is the URL, click on the right hand image for the trials side. If you want to get in touch direct, go on the enduro side (left hand image with the guy nutting his 'bars) and select "Contact Us" from the menu.... I'm the webmaster for that side of the gaff. If you'd like some direction in enduro riding, drop the Enduro Sec an e-mail from the same menu, he's normally up for coaching... don't bother asking him about trials stuff though, he's allegedly pants at that.... he just does POWER!!!!!! Wahhhh!, Whhhhaaaah!, Wahhhh!!! ring a ding ding.... if you get my drift. I'm working away @ the mo', but hopefully post Febuary I'll see you down at the odd meeting. Spandex is the way forward... Cheers, RTS
Ahhhh, This must be the SilverFox who once again strikes in a fellows moment of weakness. Is that it now then??... I've joined the TC forum, I've denounced enduros (for the time being.... wife's just agreed to me doing a KTM try out day...... just to the east of Edinburgh!!!, and I don't have to come home for the weekend... OMG! can life get any better????)... and I may start wearing spandex... or if I can't afford that, just the base layer from my enduro kit.... though Gezza stating I looked like Max Wall was a bit harsh in my opinion. So does this now complete my transfer to the "dark side", will you be my mentor in the "ways" of the "dark side".... will I ever master the dark art of the much discussed "Jap Zab"???? The Gasser is looking mint (added more bling to the already "it came like that gov'" bling), all the snow in Edinburgh has gone.... not too sure about Manchester, but is this weekend the weekend I tear up the garden? RTS
Hello, I've swapped sides and binned the enduro bike for a gasser... Hurrah!! I hear you shout. The problem is I've now got a trials bike and a stack of enduro riding gear. I can make do with the boots for the mo' (though I have been advised that trials boots are like slippers in comparison) my query is helmets. I have been told (by our enduro sec) that Trials can be ridden with a "safety helmet" which isn't necessarly an ACU stamped lid. I have a MX lid, which is pants for looking down, I also have a Bell safety helmet which is basically an open faced lid with minimal padding... it'd normally be used for downhill mountian biking type stuff, I got it for roller blading... in money terms it's a
Hello, Just getting the virtual beers in, I've swapped over to the "dark side" aka Trials from Enduro. The KTM 250F was flogged (before it went bang, but with a new piston in it.... I don't flog duff gear) and a rather tasty '07 Gasser 250 TXT Pro was slotted into its place in the garage. Currently time is my foe, or should I say lack of it (and the pants weather), the GG has been up & down the drive and that's it in a whole month of ownership!!.... not good. I'm a member of the Manchester 17 MCC club and tend to marshall & set up at the enduro events when I can, I've marshalled one trial and spent hours stood in a stream... being a stickler for marks didn't bode well either.... If I've got to stand in a stream, I'll call a five when I see one, there's no such as a "big" dab in my books. Other than that I'm looking to getting out on the bike, I'm currently working in Edinburgh so I e-mailed the local trials clubs to no avail!!!... so if any of you are based in Edinburgh and fancy a pint let me know... I'm based off Queensferry Road. Cheers, RTS