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Glad that amused your obviously immature brain, nowhere did I quote that Hondas Future rests on a s stroke anything mate, obviously im not talking about the Honda Corporation. This is a trials forums hence the discussion is based around the trials department of HRC/Montesa. I mean it will be there loss if they dont develop something for the 2 stroke fans as someone else will/has.
I honestly think killing off the 2 stroke will be the undoing of Honda. They need obviously to go down the Skidoo E-Tec route, with its clean fuel injected 2 stroke, the future of 2 strokes could be SO SO bright but Honda are not helping at all. I have high hopes for ossa's return to trials, and think as a much smaller niche company there development of a fuel injected 2 stroke is good. I would really love to see someone like KTM make a trials bike I think they would be an awesome alternative to your gas gas etc as build quality is very good from them and they certainly have the brains available to develop something. I do honestly think it will be another 3 or 4 years before we realistically see a massive revival of 2 strokes in the dirt bike department. Kind of makes me wish I was rich so I could start to develop it myself.
I cut mine down with a hacksaw the day I got it, I find it does the job perfectly and also gives a bit more stability to the rear mudguard, and have also found it a lot easier to snap a fender without that black piece on.
Just looking at it there is also the option of using a shorter spring and attaching it to the chain guard mounting bolt.
To tell the truth I have rode all the aforementioned bikes quite recently too as ive been going out with a large group of lads who all let me have a go at one point or another, I like the beta its smooth and forgiving, also the build quality is nice. The sherco is an aggressive animal which i also got along with well for the half hour I had on it, to be honest it is definately one of the better looking trials bikes out there. The beta evo I had a go of just last week for about 20 minutes and it felt so nice, very controlled and never felt like you were in any danger on it no matter what you were doing, it also looks the dogs B**locks. The Montesa is a tried and tested bullet proof tank that just works. I own the repsol 2007 model and I'll be honest I've had it a year and im only just about 99% used to it, I still learn something new about it every weekend. I would suggest to anyone to try all the bikes you can one after the other and go with the one that YOU find the best as I dont think taking advice off others just because they have one means it will be the same for you. I have also owned a 2009 Gas Gas Pro which was amazing and very light. At the end of the day I like the montesa as its HRC built and I dont have to get my tools out after every outing, in fact so far i've got them out to fix a puncture and just this weekend I broke the spring retainer on the rear chain tensioner, apart from regular service maintenance thats it...in a year not bad!! Whatever you end up buying im sure youll grow to love it
2007 Repsol 4RT yeah I already had the idea of tapping it or helicoiling it but seeing as I have the meand of doing it so that it looks like it did I might as well. I'd rather it didnt look like it has been botched when i come to sell it. Plus im pretty sure i'd have to weld it anyway to perform a fix of that type as there is not much meat to tap into so would be best to just build up the base of where the old weld was and then file it off flat and then tap the weld.
Basically from what I can work out I have (at some point in the day) landed one of my rear chain snail adjusters on a rock which has subsequently loosened my chain, I'm guessing that whilst carrying on that day the chain has jumped up and whipped the small aluminium lug that holds the rear chain tensioner spring. This has sheared clean off, I have an idea of what it looks like but could do with someone taking a photo of theirs for me with possibly a ruler or tape measure next to it for reference. Or better still get some measurements for it. Just wondered had anyone done this and what did you do? I have access to a lathe, or at least a mates dad would maybe make it for me if I pay him, and I then imagine i'll have to get a decent tig welder to put it back on for me. Also where the he'll do younger the spring, I can't see em on sandifords, can maybe order from Honda?? Any help appreciated Many thanks
Those two bikes are exactly the same as what me and my mate ride, the 4RT has a tiny tank of 2.1 Litres, and the gas gas of his has a 3.2 Litre tank. When we both go out for the same amount of time if I say stick in a litre to top up he's putting almost a litre and a half in to top up. The problem with, as you say "Keeping your eye on the fuel" in a 4 RT doesnt lie in it not being good on fuel its because it has a small tank and with it being electonic fuel injection and therefore having a pump, there is no reserve so you get no warning at all it just dies. Whereas on a two stroke you have a nice reserve setting on the fuel tap which is always enough to get you back. Personally id like to see just a small LED fuel warning light on the new 4RT it wouldnt take much in weight or technology.
In fact here you go mate I didnt realise that I had one here in the house I thought they were in the garage
I have some Containers that my father "brings home" or "borrows" from work, he works on a process additives chemical plant where they make seriously corrosive chemicals and stuff, so these are guaranteed not to leak or swell or anything like that. They are I think 1 litre, never actually measured one but i stick one in my pocket or in a small backpack. Never leaked yet just plain translucent very strong plastic with a screw top. Ill take a pic of one if you want next to something for size reference. If you want one PM me and ill send you one in the post or something.
Funny really as I started out racing on club circuits road racing and the 2 strokes over a season cost a lot more to maintain than 4 stroke did. So suppose it depends on the sport really.
There is a real crack to the exhaust note on the 05 that can be deafening, the 07 sorted that out also cam is different power delivery as standard I find is smoother on the 07 and I rode an 05 back to back with mine last week so noticed the difference stright away. As for the 05 having less use I wouldnt worry too much mate as these bikes are really built to last. As long as the 07 is in good shape and theres no horrible noise coming from the motor you'll be OK. Incidently I was out with a guy a few weeks ago who had an 05 that he bought from new, got talking about maintainence etc and his bike was caked in crap when he got it out of the van, I said did you not wash it? He said now and then maybe not often though. I asked how often he changed the oil/filter........he said never!! I was well shocked he said he's never touvhed it since he got it but he did check the oil level once and it was low so he put some Asda engine oil in!! Unbelievable really but the engine sounded as sweet as mine and it also went up any obstacle that we went up.
Actually it was the NR500 Race bike that used "Oval" pistons, the Production bike NR 750 used elliptical pistons, nit picky I know but there is a difference The pistons are oblong shaped, but with rounded-off corners
OK cheers for info will try that, although I think thats pretty much what im doing anyway.
So come on then how do you ride it so that it grips, I've had my 07 Repsol about 5 weeks now and whilst I'm not really having noyicable grip problems it's always nice to get some tips. I love mine, the only thing Ive had to mess with is gearing but that's just personal, think I've got it right now at 9/41