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  1. Prefer the Toyota FJ40, I got a piece of 5mm x 125mm Aluminium channel bolted directly to the rear of the chassis, bike sits high and proud. 6 cylinder 4.2 litre petrol is a bit thirsty tho good luck with the Rav 4, Kevo
  2. Yep, No worries there Daz, My 2010 is the same, sounds like its knocking (like a bag of hammers), pull the clutch in and its quiet, You ever noticed how shercos always sound as though the fly is scraping against the casing? each make has its unique characteristics I guess, Kevo
  3. Use a slide hammer to get the worst of it out then use filler for cosmetic looks. If it is really bad you may want to cut a length out and weld in a pup-piece. Use TIG welding and have it done by an experienced welder. Kevo
  4. Johnnybmac, check this guy out at about 30 seconds see how much slower and controlled looking he is than in your video. his weight is much further back than yours and his front wheel is a lot higher. he is using back brake and weight far back combo, as he bounces onto the rock and his front wheel begins to fall he pops the clutch & releases back brake with a blip of throttle. This is enough to make the next jump then he covers back brake and clutch again with weight well back ready for landing. legs are straight and act as shockers on landing each time. I think you should be aiming to hop to the 2nd rock in a slow and controlled manner letting the front wheel down on landing and then re-positioning yourself and bike for the jump from 2nd to 3rd rork (this is where your stationary balancing skills will be needed). I would pop the front wheel against rock no 3 and then take it from there rather than try to leap up onto it from stationary. I am sure you will crack it and look fwd to seeing the video Kevo
  5. Hiya Bob, Ive got the same bike, the rear mudgaurd bolts fell out first ride so replaced them with cable ties. gear lever fell off so needed tightening right up. apart from that just systematically tighten everything on it after every ride. I use dexron III ATF in gearbox and it works well. 80:1 premix petrol/full synthetic 2 stroke my engine sounds like a bag of hammers too, nothing to worry about as long as there is oil in there. have fun, kevo
  6. Hi Kev, Have you checked out the Alpine Stars MX Race pants and the like some bargains to be had here: http://www.chainreactioncycles.com/Categor...?CategoryID=431 They are a bit looser fitting and have interior hip padding, to be honest I dont find them bulky at all. They are lined with micromesh n Chamoix leather inner leg, so may be on the warm side for you. That said, I wear em to ride in the tropics and dont find them too uncomfortable. Kevo
  7. kevo

    Bars And Fluids ;)

    Just a wee update, got the bike a couple of weeks ago and got the bars, pegs and levers on in a jiffy. got some red coloured dexron III (rated) ATF which seems to be fine. been out a couple of times in a local quarry and am well happy with the bike and performance. Throttle & power is nice and smooth and I havent dropped it yet. I am so glad that I changed the order and went for the 250 instead of the 280cc. 2 plastic bolts on rear mudgaurd disappeared on first outing... now cable ties. The bike starts well and engine ticks over lovely. Just one problem.... the importer came round with a customs official a cpl of days ago and said there was an irregularity with the import papers, so they've took it away... i am gutted hopefully i should have it back in a week or so. thanks again for all your help and advice, Kevo
  8. what would you pay for one though? keep your feet up, kevo
  9. Ham, I totally agree, dare I say it, it's a bit sexy.... but how much run time will you get? and whats the true performance like? When I started this post off I should have asked for peoples opinions, much like a voting thread... yes or no, good or bad? If the guy in the video has just run around the car park for 10 mins or so before the battery dies on him then the company still has a long way to go, but its a good start. Are folks comfortable with trials going electric in say 20 years? i dunno... mostly people dont like change from the norm.. I dont speak german enough to know what the rider says but i think he says "very good" i'll tek the mrs out now for a bevvy cos im rabbiting on a bit. keep your feet up, kevo
  10. You could always stick some ice lolly sticks in the brake blocks... old skool style
  11. I was just looking at youtube videos of gassers and found a german/austrian? company (BLM Motorraden) that have taken a 2010 TXT 250 Pro and put an electric engine in it, I think this is guaranteed to make you smile. wonder how many minutes you would get out of the power pack?? cheers, kevo
  12. kevo

    Bars And Fluids ;)

    Jan, Thanks for the link, seems like the 10W/40 is a definate no no then. Thats probably saved me a "red faced moment" Gawd knows where I am gonna find ATF Dexron III.. Bigfoot, You made me check on the label of the DOT 4 Brake & clutch fluid that I bought, guess what? its non mineral so seems like putting that stuff in the clutch OS is a no no too, aw well at least it should be OK for the brakes Cheers for the help lads, much appreciated. kevo
  13. kevo

    Bars And Fluids ;)

    Thanks for all the advice guys, I couldnt find any riser clamps so will have to go mail order (Thanks for the explanation on this Laser1) Couldnt find any Type F-ATF (most places had D-ATF), so ended up getting some Synthetic 10W/40, will that be a good enough alternative? Managed to get some 100% synthetic 2T Pre-mix, Dot 4 brake & clutch fluid and a couple of NGK BPR5ES-11's. All in allnot a bad day... now all I need is the bike.... 7 days and counting Paulmac, Thanks for the heads up on the hellteam, gonna check the site out now. My first order may be a set of bar risers and a spare rear mudgaurd. All the best, kevo
  14. kevo

    Bars And Fluids ;)

    Jon, Brilliant stuff, thanks a lot. I do not have a gasgas dealer in country (have had to import the bike in from europe - ouch!!!) so I will probably be looking to get a pair of Renthals, should I just ask for Renthal fat bars then? I have seen the S-3 clamps on-line but do not think I will be able to get those locally. Am I correct in thinking if I get a pair of Renthal 5.5'or 6's (from what I have heard) then I will not need the clamp anyway, or have I totally missed the concept here? Should be able to tour the bike shops in Singapore and pick up the other stuff you have mentioned no problem. Thanks again, great help kevo
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