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Everything posted by chipsngravy
  1. All sussed new piston rings in, feels like new! to be honest i don't belive that was the issue because i took the fuel tap off and the filter was wrapped up with shavings from the fuel tank cap and fluff. nice! but i think my main reason was the fact i never pushed the choke up to vertical, what a tw@! like i said, gotta lot to learn! cheers for the help though gents!
  2. Update so far: Cleaned the carb out spotless all valves, needles, choke port. Also replaced the spark plug cap, spark looked all good, put it all back together and kicked it over a few times then she went. i let it warm up then killed it, kicked it over and it started sweet as always when warm. did this a couple of times over half hour, all good! i then turned off fuel as usual, put it away and thought i'd won. two days later went to start it, fuel on, choke on, a couple of kicks, left it for 2-3 mins then carried on trying with not even a fire up.???????? I'm now waiting on piston rings, see what happens with that?
  3. thanks for all the advice, will get on canceling out suspected issues, starting with a good carb clean with new spark plug lead. I will put in a new set of rings also, as i don't have any previous info on the bike so i don't really know what it lacks in performance, but shouldn't do any harm. Masso. most helpful, when i bought it i forgot to ask the trick to start it? ie with or without choke, how many kicks, throttle? but i'm learning! cheers all
  4. Hi, im new to TC and was wanting to borrow wisdom. I got my self a bike after 12 years away and so am a little rusty, I've got a 2001 315 cota that does not like to get going (started) when cold, but as soon it's fired once it'll start next kick, and then run like a dream. The issue is it takes about 10 mins of kicking over on a good day to achieve this. I've replaced the sparkplug, new air filter as old was battered, cleaned carb and am now still dreading next time i have to get it going. The spark looks weak to me, but then i haven't done this for 12 years, any tips or ideas would be greatly received. Thank you Will
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