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  1. Statement on Covid-19 On behalf of ACU Statement on Covid-19 On behalf of ACU It is with regret that the ACU are suspending all competition and social activity until 30th April 2020, but this will be constantly reviewed. This is in response to the emerging guidance issued by HM UK Government in response to the outbreak of COVID-19. All permits for events during this time will be cancelled and reimbursed in full to the organising club/ promoter. As the National Governing Body would ask all ACU Members to act responsibly and follow the Government’s guidance during this difficult time. We have a responsibility and duty of care to our staff who will be working from home, so please be patient with any queries you may have. As of writing (17th March 2020) HM Government have advised: - Persons to work from home where possible - People over the age of 70 to minimise social contact - Emergency services will not support mass gatherings - Stop non-essential travel - Avoid pubs, clubs, restaurants and cinemas This statement is supported in its entirety by AMCA Up-to-date information on COVID-19 can be found here: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/coronavirus-covid-19-information-for-the-public
  2. Statement on Covid-19 On behalf of ACU It is with regret that the ACU are suspending all competition and social activity until 30th April 2020, but this will be constantly reviewed. This is in response to the emerging guidance issued by HM UK Government in response to the outbreak of COVID-19. All permits for events during this time will be cancelled and reimbursed in full to the organising club/ promoter. As the National Governing Body would ask all ACU Members to act responsibly and follow the Government’s guidance during this difficult time. We have a responsibility and duty of care to our staff who will be working from home, so please be patient with any queries you may have. As of writing (17th March 2020) HM Government have advised: - Persons to work from home where possible - People over the age of 70 to minimise social contact - Emergency services will not support mass gatherings - Stop non-essential travel - Avoid pubs, clubs, restaurants and cinemas This statement is supported in its entirety by AMCA Up-to-date information on COVID-19 can be found here: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/coronavirus-covid-19-information-for-the-public
  3. Hi Look up Chelmsford and district auto club ( CDAC ) as your new local club
  4. trialnick


    Where's Dougies three he was chastising himself about ??
  5. https://www.acu.org.uk/News/2019/02/Trial-GP-2019-GB-Round/
  6. Ladies please get your entries in for the last British round to be run at Corton on 28th October. We plan to offer an event worthy of the National title.
  7. Last Round of ACU Acklams Beta British Ladies and Girls Trials Championships 28th October 2018 With just under four weeks to go until the last round of the British Ladies and Girls Championship, the Trials Park at Corton has seen lots of hard work carried out to provide an event of worthy status. As you may know, our original venue for the event became unavailable and we are very grateful to Chris Edwards of the Trials Park for coming on board; just a pity it’s not closer to Chelmsford in Essex !! We are pleased to say that four of the eight Championships will still up for grabs on the 28th October. In the Ladies, five times World Champion Emma Bristow holds off Jess Bown with both winning and coming second respectively in all previous rounds. The Ladies 50/50 sees Bethanie Dunning battling with Chloe Baker for Championship honours. The Ladies Intermediate crusade has seen the closest fought contest with Catherine Alford and Jazz Hammond; the Gas Gas and Sherco ladies only separated by four points. Elizabeth Tett holds a small advantage over Kaytlyn Adshead in the Girls B Championship. The challenges facing the Ladies range from exposed tree roots, muddy climbs, concrete blocks and steps and everything else the Trials Park can offer. Overcoming these obstacles feet up will see the Champions crowned. Please come along to spectate and watch the best Lady riders in the country do battle for the last time in 2018. We can guarantee great close up viewing and a short walk between sections. Action gets under way at 10.30 28th October The Trials Park Woburn Farm, Stirrups Lane, Corton. Suffolk. NR32 5LE
  8. FYI From the FIM Technical regulations 19.02 The use of ballast to stay over the minimum weight is forbidden. The term "ballast" refers to as any component, device or part, the primary function of which is to add weight to the machine. All components, devices and parts must be firmly fixed to the motorcycle.
  9. Hi have a look at our website for the Chelmsford club. There is a trial at Twinstead near Halstead tomorrow if you are interested or come and say hello Nick http://trialnick.wixsite.com/cdac
  10. Hi another one is Wix. Again free, and again if I can put a site together it can't be that difficult. See below. http://trialnick.wixsite.com/cdac
  11. Just got home after the Sheffield Trial last night. Great entertainment and some fantastic rides to challenge Toni Bou. That's Bou as in Boo not Bow as in Cow...commentators please note. Anyone I spoke to who came from South of Derby had great difficulty understanding any of the commentary and I was amazed to read in the program ( free...I was surprised too ) the two muppets had been doing the commentary for the last 12 years. Apart from that moan a great night and hope Jack has a speedy recovery
  12. I have three words for you. Boring, boring, boring. If I wanted to watch riders doing big loops and riding on the flat ground, going back on themselves against the direction of the section, I would watch the novice route at my local club trial. The top riders must be taking medication to stay awake ! Japan and USA seem to have been laid out in the same way. Yes maybe the camera flattens the gradient of descent or climb but it does look as if I could have a go at some of the sections. Maybe this is what was intended by the FIM, get your average Intermediate club rider to enter world rounds. Let's be honest the WTC is a circus, that only the top 4 or 5 Spanish riders have a hope of winning. Let them ride X trials or Red Bull sponsored events, make lots of money and open trials training schools in Andalucia. The paying public will want to see excitement and riding that is so far out of reach as not to be true, but as we all know only these skills are displayed by the top Spaniads. Their economy is in ruins, let Dietrich Mateschitz help them out. When they have retired, then the next level of riders will still ride at World level, just a tier down from the Bou dominated era. Might even get a British world champion again. As for non stop it's just farcical as seen by the dubious and extremely subjective marking. I won't be going to Carlise this year, maybe my loss, but I've just painted my fence and viewing that drying seems more interesting
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