Anyone want to look after a visiting couple of brits, who would like to ride trials while over the pond. would need a bike lol.......
it could be a good thing, but not for all riders, some like to bounce their way around but others can't bounce so the section is made hard for that reason.
The section may become easier in that way but just as difficult to clean all the same, lets see what happens we have to remember some clubs already use non stop so we do have a choice when looking for events.
large empty farm shed wanted............indoor training due to snow
First thing is to remove the caliper completly from the bike working on a bench is best, the caliper itself is held together with 2 bolts either side remove those which will enable you to split the caliper in half but emty out the old brsake fluid dot 4 i would reccommend.
Once in half you will be able to remove the piston and seals x2 clean or replace with new and use a good cleaner to remove all grit-dirt these need to be very clean of oil grease for the rebuild.
once rebuilt re fit to bike top up with fluid, bleed and away you go new brakes, good luck.
1. Remove strip down and repalce seals etc, or get hold of a second hand one that works ok and fit the latter is the quickest way to be honest..
the Muppet was the rider of the bike, the rest of us get tarred with the same brush by the public, which is unfair.
He should be dealt with for any offence he has committed...
I agree with all the above but check the kill switch and all the earths, and she will go good luck
the boy should have a cape and pants over his trousers like super man , very talented on all the bikes he rides.......he will be catching me up soon at that rate..
its for the big boys i guess could never spot the difference myself....lol
loads of snow need a good day out on the bike fun riding in the snow...
have you started by checking for the spark, guess thats a yes, so we have good spark, next step fuel (possible carb clean needed blocked jet)if we have both fuel and a spark should start, if one is missing re trace problem, so if no spark check coils etc wiring earths and low-high tension leads spark plug cap.
No fuel check filter and tank.....poss carb hope that helps it can only be elec or fuel me thinks all the best Des..
place a penny in the hole and knock trough with a drift the penny will stop damage, the bearing number shold be on the bearing it self. any ood bearing place will have what you need....good luck
10=42 is a good ratio to use.....
might sound daft but a good cycle wheel builder may help, if its not to badly bent.
glad it was just as i thought nice and easy to sort out have fun..Des
thirsk trial if off due to conditions
it always the same, good luck should be easy enough to sort out.
you might want to check your kill switch too, might be stuck on....
run through a wiring check, start at the ciol lage and small leads low-hih tension, then check earth mountings ensure they are clean and dry(rust free) plug cap, and finally the plug gap.
If this fails then it could be a look at the stator, all the best Des...
might be worth stripping down to check the clutch plates etc, it may be in need of a new one..
loads out and about so easy to get hold of and replace. So just get what you can find it might just happen again remember done two in a day lol.
have you got all the parts check out what is inside then start slow time re fitting, cant think what the problem can be...
is there a small cup in he bottom of the leg,if so it needs to be correctly seated at the bottom of the leg, before re fitting the allen bolt