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Everything posted by mudmaster
  1. I have done and checked the following but the problem is still there. 1) Cleaned carb again with air and wire though every orific. 2) Carb vent clear and not stopping the movement of the float. 3) Fuel tap cleaned seamed ok. 4) Does not appear to be a vacum or pressure on the crankcase vent. Please someone help as I am lossing the will to live with this bike.
  2. I have a 06 cabestany 290 and its no running properaly at at all. At low revs there is no power, will not tick over, and starts to die. Meduim to high revs better seams better but perhaps a little smoky. I have had the carb off a number of times cleaned out every orifis with the airline. Checked float hieght, mixture screw all seam OK. Please help as this is driving me made.
  3. Phil Finally got round to checking the bike last night and you were right about that overflow pipe in the float bowl. Moved it and fuel no longer pours out. The bike however still runs rough and I thought it was fuel starvation so change the float hieght but still no good. Could you please give me that float hieght link and do you have any information on how to set up the mixture on the carb. Thanks mark
  4. I have a 06 Sherco 290 Cabastany and Fuel is leaking from the bottom hole on the Carb. If the engine is ruunning no fuel comes out, but directly as the engine stops fuel just pours out. Have complete stripped card down and cleaned it all out with airline but still the same. any ideas
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