Hey, has anyone got one of these little things? I got recomended one off here nearly two years ago before my son was even born! I cant remember who it was but it was an american who I'd messaged asking how his kid had such balance, and he shown me a video of his kid riding an oset for the first time in his back garden and i knew i just had to purchase one.
His first birthday came and I knew exactly what I was going to get him, a strider. The thing was a little too big at first, but he still managed... standing up and just pushing it along, at that age he enjoyed just pushing things so it worked out great. You start to notice as he grows he'll stand to sit on it, and give it little pushes along, gaining confidence all the time which is brialliant to watch, his strides and speed getting better and quicker. I started taking him to bmx's, obviously supporting him but letting him go with his own free will down little hills and such, taking it in turns also to push him round it which used to tire me out alot!
now its got to the point where i dont have to hold him anymore to make sure he slows down, because he can manage at his own speed. he flies around the bmx course and ive taken him places where he just heads for the biggest rocks to try and tackle, and all because i took him to scotland for the weekend to watch the world round lol. he tries to rev his bike, and make noises like a bike, i never taught him this, he just picked it up from watching the lads. His second birthdays next month but i dont think hes quite ready for an oset yet, but deffinately goign to get him one for xmas, hes turning out great with his balance and confidence, and its all down to his strider which he loves to go on, best part is no stablisers, so he can literally go where he wants
Heres a few pics and videos of him with it, bearing in mind I just let him go and do what he wants, i never force him or tell him where to go. Hope you enjoy
^ sometimes ambition far outweighs his abilities though haha