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Everything posted by jonnybmac
  1. he falls off here, but has another go determand to do it he makes his own section
  2. Hey, has anyone got one of these little things? I got recomended one off here nearly two years ago before my son was even born! I cant remember who it was but it was an american who I'd messaged asking how his kid had such balance, and he shown me a video of his kid riding an oset for the first time in his back garden and i knew i just had to purchase one. His first birthday came and I knew exactly what I was going to get him, a strider. The thing was a little too big at first, but he still managed... standing up and just pushing it along, at that age he enjoyed just pushing things so it worked out great. You start to notice as he grows he'll stand to sit on it, and give it little pushes along, gaining confidence all the time which is brialliant to watch, his strides and speed getting better and quicker. I started taking him to bmx's, obviously supporting him but letting him go with his own free will down little hills and such, taking it in turns also to push him round it which used to tire me out alot! now its got to the point where i dont have to hold him anymore to make sure he slows down, because he can manage at his own speed. he flies around the bmx course and ive taken him places where he just heads for the biggest rocks to try and tackle, and all because i took him to scotland for the weekend to watch the world round lol. he tries to rev his bike, and make noises like a bike, i never taught him this, he just picked it up from watching the lads. His second birthdays next month but i dont think hes quite ready for an oset yet, but deffinately goign to get him one for xmas, hes turning out great with his balance and confidence, and its all down to his strider which he loves to go on, best part is no stablisers, so he can literally go where he wants Heres a few pics and videos of him with it, bearing in mind I just let him go and do what he wants, i never force him or tell him where to go. Hope you enjoy ^ sometimes ambition far outweighs his abilities though haha
  3. Ive enjoyed all the replies and apreciate your help. Sadly my bikes not running at the moment but once its sorted ill be pracising my rocks!!
  4. Alot got pushed under the carpet in terms of rules. Min weight was meant to be 68 but ossa weighed 66? Also bou always tries to jump back and have another go so the reversing rule gets overlooked alot and the slipperyness of the rocks on ladt section made it very dangerous to even attemp doing it all in one but i noticed that too as on first lap someone fived for doing the same thing
  5. It feels as though i am bending my knees!
  6. Thy did very well a19 was flooded aquaplaining all over scary as... Cant see in from it was comming dpwn so fast at one point id say it was nearly aa high as my tire. I stayed for 4 rounds. Was good but i thought theyd be abit less repetative and change round. Even the barrels theu could have added more barrels to the gaps and had them wheelie over them all. Got loafd of kx energy drank about 5 when i was there amd kept getting passed them sp put aload in my pockets. Its ok i guess but 5 cans i should have been wide awake but i yawned on way home driving. Did amyone see the man with tje brolly bout 30/40 with tshirts hanging out his jeans and he was rolling round on floor with little kids when they blasted tshirts in crowd. I gave mine to a kid as theyd appreciate it more
  7. You were stood right next to me lol
  8. few more i uploaded to facebook as youtube doesnt flip videos :/ http://www.facebook.com/v/10150733440220531 http://www.facebook.com/v/10150733454825531 http://www.facebook.com/v/10150735836635531 http://www.facebook.com/v/10150735837290531 http://www.facebook.com/v/10150735838030531 http://www.facebook.com/v/10150735838335531 http://www.facebook.com/v/10150735839035531 http://www.facebook.com/v/10150735839190531 http://www.facebook.com/v/10150735840085531 http://www.facebook.com/v/10150735840360531 http://www.facebook.com/v/10150735840575531 http://www.facebook.com/v/10150735840750531
  9. ive uploaded all the videos i took at fort william.. theres quite a few and i havnt sorted them so there will be random rubbish ones in there but theres a few good ones too. http://www.youtube.com/user/jonnybmcfarland#g/u
  10. I took my 21 month old son to the trials and now ge thinks hes a trials rider
  11. I thought they were riding junior class my mistake
  12. not alot. go for wulf theyre cheap and the same as diadora, made in the same place afaik. hebo you might get too but they aint that great quality. better off saving another 50 quid and gettig some gearne that will last
  13. The young lads messing about at the paddock after the trial? I found it quite funny to watch
  14. yeah, i feekl sorry for dougie hes a top bloke but he had a few problems. i missed the spindkle falling off but was talking to a bloke who said dogue apparently said the spindles broke and his dad said keep going and it just fell off, watching the clip it doesnt look that way at all. ive heard two storys that 1, its full of lead and 2, its meant to move backwards and forwards to be ajustable or something?
  15. did anyone hear him screaming puta merde at section 6? was quite funny he wouldnt shut up saying it.. something must have pied him off on section 5? first lap
  16. camelbaks are a good idea but they pull you back when your going up hills nd tend to bring the front wheel up.. cant do rocks either with one on thats a no no! good for long distance wood rides though if your out just messing about
  17. that digger looked dodgy as on that pivot lol. i wouldnt dare be sat in that id end up tipping it over
  18. Wheelies are down to the rider not the bike, all bikes you can wheelie.
  19. I got a handbook with joining guisbrough club that tells you all tbe trials around
  20. Jut like any rule you you chanfe there will always be people that it wasnt fair on vecause they missed out but i think its a better rule. Who wants to ride a 125 at 18 if youve rode one for alot of years. Your top end of teenage years
  21. gear doesnt really matter in relevance to the height its getting your front wheel up at the right angle to land correctly
  22. Just any old ones i enjoy watching them move those heavy bikes about
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