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Everything posted by thesnake505
  1. hay guys, picked bike up on friday, went over it yesterday, as has already been said it needs a few jobs, head stock bearings, and rear wheel bearings need doing, loads of nuts and bolts that need replaceing! not overly alot of issues with her! so im happy :-) few questions thou could some one please post some pictures of the expansion chamber were the silencer mounts to it, is the exhaust just a push fit, between header pipe and expansion chamber and ex chamber to silencer? whats the standard setup with reguards final drive gearing! and were should the sensor be for the speedo thats in the fuel tank cover cheers snake
  2. hay guys, i have just purchaced a 1997 beta techno from ebay this will be my first trials bike, unfortuantly i did it blind, as it was to far away to go and have a look at it! i dont think i have paid a bad price at
  3. hay guys, im off tomoro to pick up my new beta techno, so im just here to say hi! im Martyn, 25 from telford in shropshire, this will be my first trials bike, bought becasue my dad has just bought a nice little yamaha ty 250 and we want to go make fools of our selfs havign ago at some light trials work :-) other then the beta i also own a 2009 yamaha r1! cheers snake
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