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Everything posted by manxmann3
  1. Fox enduro mtb pads are much slimmer than the above ones, I use them. I have both. The bulkier ones will not fit under trials Lycra
  2. Lineaway that is hard to visualise Videos needed!
  3. Dan, when you say rear preload, you mean rear sag? I did set it up to about 30% when I got the bike. I've got Michelin tyres Legs straight or bent for slippery climbs?? Thanks
  4. Hi aircooled4ever It's got a black spring fitted
  5. Anyone see the rear shocks fitted to quite a few bikes at Tong, men's and ladies Looked like remote reservoirs on them, like rally car shocks. Reservoir mounted beside engine Anyone know much about them? Thanks
  6. Yes riders moving up from 80s to 125s should be on lighter sprung bikes Who would know? Lampkins? Thanks
  7. Hi Are there any lighter than standard shock springs? Only got 3psi in rear tyre and can hardly get rear wheel to grip on wet rocks or grass I don't think it's down to too bad technique, my 15stone mate on a beta evo was getting grip everywhere last night I weigh about 65kg Thanks
  8. Hi Got a 2005 Rev 3 250 needs new rear master cylinder The aprilia rs125s of that era had grimeca master cylinders that look identical with 40mm bolt centres Any reason why it shouldn't work if I fitted one There are brand new pattern ones on eBay for 35quid including reservoir and hose compared to 90 for a grimeca Thanks
  9. I've scrubbed up the disk and pads, new fluid in too. Put some heat into the pads and cooled with water Still hardly powerful I think a Honda nissin master cylinder might be the way to go?
  10. Fox enduro mountainbikes pads are good
  11. My girls and a few others in our club wear evoc padded vests. Great protection. Got them from freestyle extreme
  12. Hi Compared to my 2012 beta evo the mont front brake is poor I don't mind spending a few quid of better brake. I'm not too worried on sticking to original montesa specs Can brand new modern gasgas,sherco or others brakes fit straight on? Thanks
  13. Yep tried that one too thanks. Nothing doing. Must be a fueling problem?
  14. Yeah really strange smell. Could it have blocked something with having 2t oil in it?
  15. Thanks fellas. I got a mate to earth the plug and its sparking well. just i wasnt cranking it hard enough by hand whilst holding the plug to earth. Now im thinking i could have another proble. Its so long ago that i used the bike, i think i might have used old 2 stroke fuel or really stale fuel! Theres a really odd smell to the fuel i removed from the bike earlier. Could this of blocked the injector? Im clutching at straws here! Thanks
  16. Evening all. Ive not ridden my 05 4rt for about 6 months and today went to start it and nothing. Id serviced the bike 6 month back, oil change, air filter, NEW plug. The bike did run spot on after oil change etc. So checked the plug by holding it againt the exhaust and its not sparking on every kick? Is this normal? Was old fuel but ive put fresh in tank as well. Thanks for any advice!
  17. Swapped my coil with a donor bikes coil. Thats what was wrong. I had an electrician check the bike over and the resistance result for the primary coil was almost double what it should be. Tried the coil from the running bike and it started 2nd kick. Cool! Thanks for all your help with it.
  18. I checked for continuity through the black/white wire, it had a reading of 556. Should it of shown 0? Am i doing test correctly? Thanks.
  19. Hello freak, Do you mean the black and white wire? Do i leave the green wire bolted to frame to earth, then set multimeter to resistance, stick one end in black/white wire and touch other end on the bolt? Im crap with electrics. Am a plumber! If thats correct method then what should the multimeter show? Thanks.
  20. Thanks for replies. I did tests as per manual, out of circuit. Before i disconnected it all i had tried kicking it with kill switch disconnected. Its not that. Ill admit electrics is not my strong point so im struggling with this. Looks like i need a strobe? Thanks for help so far.
  21. Hello. This is really leading on from my other post but am hoping some one with experience with this will spot the post and help out. Bike still not sparking consistently on every kick. Have had the multimeter out and tested resistancy of what i can. Results are as follows. Coil 0.80. Should be 0.45- 0.55 Secondary coil with plug cap 14.17. Should be 12.4-16.8 same test without plug cap 9.56. Should be 8.0-10.6 Ignition pulse generator 96.9. Should be 90-110 Charging coil 1.1. Should be 0.64-0.79 Exciter coil 12.2. Should be 10.8-13.2 So the coil results are out and and the charging coil. Would either explain the poor occasional sparking? Ive cleaned up the earth connection to the frame and its got a brand new plugcap and new correct sparkplug. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Have spent far too long messing with this bike now and getting nowhere. Thanks.
  22. Thanks for reply. It is sparking but really feintly. Not bright like my ktm sparks. Is this normal? Doesnt seem good enough to start the bike.
  23. Turns out it is the plug cap thats knackered. Thank god. Cheers for advice.
  24. is there anyway of testing to see which part is goosed? multimeter? if stator needs work then who does this? thanks
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