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Everything posted by tricks
  1. A tyre rule may work in some area's of the country but not others, The last 3 local events i have been to have seen a reduction in laps and many section removed [mid trial] due to un-ridable ground conditions - we need tractor tyre's in Wales not less grippy ones!!
  2. I've replied to all PM's.. I didn't know the number next to the grey photo meant you had a message.. hence the slow replies.. D'oh Was it fuel tap related??
  3. Thanks Sirhc, that's pretty much what i wanted to hear. I know you don't always get a definitive answer when asking on the net - it feels like this sometimes but it's good to ask someone who has ridden them week in week out and get a honest answer The Scorpa shock was dreadful, a 10st rider would have found it great but under my hefty a*** bouncing it felt like wadeing through quick sand. What's the deal on float height then, is there one good set up or would it vary due to being in different parts of the world? What set up's are the good folk in the UK using? Cheers Si
  4. Not to old at all, I have been watching that bike John, It's a Cabestany Rep isn't it? I actually preffer the fuel filler on the 2010 bikes, you know better than anyone about the mud/crap/coal muck that gets everywhere where we ride. I've done a good bit of research on the 011 290 today, alot of people are very happy with them [some aren't] but i find this is the case with every bike - just look at the people who slate KTM's off, i've ridden them for a decade and never had one go tits up I think if i purchase one a Ohlins is probably that right way to go with my weight, and maybe an uprated Carb [if i find the standard one poop] I've seen two today approx
  5. Cheers Telecat, So how long did you own the 2011 for?. Does the fueling problem effect all mountain/club man style riding [i'm no expert rider] so the bike won't be going up vertical cliff faces and did you fix the problem? Also what has Sherco done to the 2012 model to rectify the fueling issue? Have other owners suffered with the same issues on the 2011?
  6. Yeah i'm a great believer in 'ya ride what ya brung' too Adapt and over come is my moto!!.. well.. 'who's round is it' is more my moto but thats another story To be honest the Scorpa was great.. BUT.. as my trial riding has progressed i found it a little too tame. I had to really rev it hard to get the most out of it, this got abit tiresome when all day mountain riding - Both my riding mates have earlier 290's and i found them alot easier to ride in most conditions [i'm a big'ish fella, 6ft 15.5st!!.. so the extra poke of the 290cc helps] Also the Scorpa never had a great rear brake which got worse when hot, i always put this down to the flimsy rear brake pipe running right next to the exhaust box, i tried heat wrap [which helped] but the brake was still poo, even after countless bleeding. And to get at the carb quickly was a pain in the knuckle. But it was still great, and i havn't wrote off the option of a new sherco powered one yet. I'm a little concerned about the Sherco's rear suspension, if it's like you all say less plush than the scorpa!! I found the Scorpa's rear very un-responsive, but it was an 03 bike and could have done with a shock rebuild. Is there a stronger spring option out there for the new Sherco? And what upgrade rear shock unit options are there [if any].. Chewy, it sounds like you've changed.. well everything I like the Beta's and i've ridden the 200 evo [amazing bike] but sadly the left kick throws my back out - a Gasser is also an option for me but i'd have to ride one first. Tricky Dicky, I'd love a 2012 model, I've seen a few S/H already but sadly they are just outside my budget. If the 011 has no major issues other than different riding position and a fussy Carb i'm happy to go for one, If they run great after a 'good set up' then thats fine by me - I'm more concerened about them packing in on a all dayer up a Welsh mountain.. due to faulty electrics or a dodgy fuel pump etc.. Thanks all for the input so far, keep it coming
  7. Having just jumped ship from my ole Scorpa SY [i'm missing it already] I'm now in the market for a new[ish] bike and I quite fancy the Sherco, but everything i've read about them on here has given me mixed feelings, what with them cutting out, fuel line and carb problems etc.. I even read one story about some guy who changed everything on his, from the Carb to suspension, and he still wasn't happy!!.. So are they to be avoided due to being a bad bike? Or are these problems brought on through bad maintenance and clueless people tinkering?? Soooo, i'm hoping that the nice folk on here who have had them for a while now can tell me what they think of them, all the teething problems etc... I want to know what it's like to own one for the past 12months [or however long they have been out for] from the people that ride them week in week out Oh yeah - I'm not interested in the ''i bought one and couldn't get on with it because it didn't handle like my old Beta..'' stories . .. Just the maintenance and running problems please.. help a potential buyer Cheers Tricks
  8. Download Recuva it's free - if you havn't formatted the card it will get most of the pictures back. The better version can even recover formatted cards.
  9. I think everyone rides better when there's no flags/observers involved , for a start you can turn wider, attack things with a better line and in some case you avoid the nasty bits.. A tip i was given by a pro rider was to always mark things up tighter and harder than you would normally or even better get someone else to mark out a section - makes practice alot more like the real thing [ i ride badly either way ]
  10. I get one bike in very easy, two with abit of shifting and squeezing.
  11. tricks

    Beta evo. Why?

    I've ridden both John, and they were both in 200cc flavour.. I agree with the above, the Evo felt amazing compared to Mike's Rev. And like i said yesterday you'll soon get use to the left kick. I say go for it mate, and go for either a 200 or 250, I reckon it would suit you more
  12. I think that both riders and organisers did a fantastic job considering the conditions yesterday The rain was non stop and as big as marbles at times, but the event was still great to watch - well done all involved
  13. Congrats on the purches A water pump/hose cover is a must, I split two hoses in one month.
  14. A friend of mine is 6ft.2 and suffered the same problems, he also found that his body weight was too far over the front with the small bars and if he changed his riding position to compensate his wrist would soon start to hurt. So he put the 6" bars on his bike and it made a world of difference.. the bike looks no different with them fitted, so don't worry about looking like something off American chopper
  15. tricks

    Mod or Change?

    My bikes the R model mate, it's got advanced timing etc hence the slight snappyness..
  16. tricks

    Mod or Change?

    Thats good advice there From watching you ride 'Drake'.. there's not much wrong with your bike, she's abit heavy if anything mate - I think you'd benifit more from something a little lighter, maybe a 200 or 250 .. if that means going newer then do it. BTW what has Paul bought?
  17. Oi get back on the Sherco threads you 'ya secret scorpa lover.. It needed new plates AND adjusting
  18. tricks

    Frame Protectors

    I got some old bike inner tube here you can use on the 'ole wreck.
  19. Thanks Kam, And sorry for this late reply, I ended up buying the oem 1KT plates. My clutch has been engaging fine, and no sticking from cold.. but the main problem has been slipping [dragging] in high gears normally 3rd up wards when warm, so hopfully new plates will cure it, although the old ones don't look worn out. Nothing seems to be straight forward on the scorpa
  20. Few questions.. Wheres the cheapest place to get them? and is it best to stick with OEM Yamaha plates? And i read somewhere that YZ125 plates fit!??.. is that true or did i dream it? cheers
  21. One of mine failed as well. The fitted nuts are made from very soft metal so it doesn't take much to bugger them up.. I just used longer thicker screws with a thicker threads, I turned them in and out abit at a time until they made their own thread in the existing nut [if that makes sense] - works a treat.
  22. Yes your right, But there wasn't two versions out when i purchased my HD.. and i've not checked the site since - so i apologise for not having your superior up to date geek knowledge on the subject.. well done you
  23. I use a Gopro HD, there is only one HD version, the other is SD. The beauty of the HD is that you can film in everything from 1080, 960 wide and 720p @ both 30-60fps, it also has WVGA Standard Def. Good editing software ain't cheap though.
  24. Hi Grizz, You can get carbon fibre ones from Birkett and Trialandtribulations for about
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