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  1. English public school actually I didn't realise motorcyle geeks were capable of good quality banter!? Seriously, thanks for all your help guys. Really appreciated.
  2. Guys I need some help here please. My Yamaha TY250 has the following VIN numbers: Frame VIN: 493-301827 Engine VIN: 493-300961 Someone has kindly already given me their thoughts on the year, however I would prefer more than one opinion just to be on the safe side, as it seems to be a bit of a guessing game. All comments welcome Many thanks
  3. Ok, making it a TY250E right? How do you actually tell that from the VIN number? Is there a definitive range of numbers for each year?
  4. Hi everyone, I have the frame and engine VIN now, however they are different to eachother: Frame VIN: 493-301827 Engine VIN: 493-300961 If anyone knows what year that makes this bike then that would be much appreciated, and based on the fact that the VINs are different for the engine and frame, does this mean that the engine is not the original one that sat in this frame. Does that have any huge impact on it's value? Fired it up after a few goes, then the throttle cable snapped! Doh! At least it's a runner. As always, any help is really appreciated
  5. Guys where do I find the VIN number on this bike? I'm popping over to take a look at it tomorrow and it would be useful to know in advance. Thanks
  6. It would appear that my previous post of the same title was removed becasue I placed a link to an ebay auction which is against the rules of the forum. However this was not my ebay auction and I was only posting the link in order to show the colourway of the bike to try and establish the year and any other associated details of the bike. So instead, I've placed the picture instead (please note this is not my bike, but is an accurate representation of how it looks...albeit considerably cleaner). Many thanks for all of your previous comments and help. Maybe I should rstore it myself as a project?
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