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Posts posted by cabby
  1. I've read 😕 to retard the engine all I need to do it off with the flywheel unloosen the back plate bolts move plate, retighten bolts ??


    Is this correct and if so, and please excuse my ignorance, do I move the plate clockwise or anticlockwise and how far do I move it ??



  2. 31 minutes ago, baldilocks said:


    Prior to  the 125 rule coming in someone with no experience could buy an RD250 which would do 107mph. 

    Yet someone over 25 can now do direct access, with no experience, and once through their test can now jump on a 200bhp bike, no questions asked. 

  3. 1 hour ago, leosantanalg said:

     just buy a 125cc and have significant less weight?

    It's my understanding that these bikes all weigh more or less the same, regardless of capacity, it's the spinning mass of the flywheel that makes them feel heavier. 

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  4. Last year I had make contact with the chap that runs the place in Spain with the 4 rides, I'm guessing it's the same you're referring to, George I think his name is. More or less had dates sorted out but life kinda got in the way and eventually didn't bother, but is it worth the money you ask ?? 

    It's not cheap, but why would it be, it's his business, his bikes, but I would still probably do it though. I have other plans this year for doing trials out in Spain in May and taking in the first Trial GP, again, far from cheap, but so what, money is for spending I guess. 

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