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Everything posted by cabby
  1. I was there, I also found it hard to believe, but given the explanation it's understandable the decision taken.
  2. Call me stoopid but surely it's easier to just post up than having to discuss it with every one who sees this then calls you at work, you could be there for a week talking on the phone with everyone.
  3. Well remember where you heard it firsto. ??
  4. Back to Gas Gas I'm reliably informed
  5. Scratch that, seems tyres marked with an E and a circle round it are legal, which both michie and dunlop have.
  6. So I go to yet another tester and ask him about the horn I have, he says, ye that'll be fine....cool I thinks....then he says, remember the tyres have to be E marked etc, I tell him it has not for road use in USA & Canada, he says, nah they won't pass.
  7. Both mot stations I spoke to said they wouldn't pass that horn, as it's exactly the same tone I played to them today.
  8. I'm looking for a horn that will pass an mot. I ordered what I thought would be sufficient off tinterweb but it was rejected as it wasn't a single tone constant. Can anyone recommend a particular one to get as opposed to just suggesting a battery powered horn.
  9. cabby

    Mikuni Carb Fix

    Hi Billy, I've read through the 7 page topic and folk referring to your mod in it but can't see where your post is in that topic other than your later post where you mention it again ??? Am I reading the wrong topic ? it's the one that's pinned.
  10. cabby

    Mikuni Carb Fix

    I've actually done it to an old 270 before and it was very effective, when I say done it, I did the mod though can't exactly remember what I did but thought it was along the lines of just lifting them up to be pointing in a straight line as per that trialsport picture.
  11. cabby

    Mikuni Carb Fix

    To save me trawling through the huge topic, am I right in remembering that it's just a case of lifting the tangs so that they are in a straight diagonal line with the floats ??? If you get my drift.
  12. cabby

    Scorpa 280 Sr

    What about you, what have you taken up
  13. Anyone know where I ca get a sidestand for the above ?? SY or the SR ???
  14. Yes I told them it was not registered, I've subsequently been in to another mot place and they said the same, they wouldn't touch it without any docs
  15. I enquired about getting a bike motd without any documents at all and was told they wouldn't or couldn't touch it as they need a date of when it was made so you must have got lucky someone doing it with no evidence of anything.
  16. Can anyone tell me how common bike swapping is during the ssdt. Obviously against the rules I presume but not uncommon I'm lead to believe, anyone care to comment
  17. OK, next problem then is, how the bloody hell do you get the thing back on and expect the spring to stay coiled ?? There seems no place for it to be retained ?? Also, the bold on the bottom left hand corner was removed and now has no thread to catch to go back in ???
  18. Righty, have the top hat off and if you guys are referring to the piece that goes across the middle, then its seems fine to me.
  19. To be honest, that second photo shows me nothing as I can't see any difference, but that may be due to the poor quality picture.
  20. OK, to let you know where I am at the moment. I have the clutch out, and have rocked the lever, when going up to second the spring goes all the way out, however, when trying to go up another gear it only goes half way up (hope that makes sense). Took a vid of it but now my phone is playing up and can't get it to upload. Plus I need to get circlip pliers to remove said spring as it's tight as hell and won't come off with the pliers I have at the moment. Anyway, is what I have described(poorly) still sound like the tophat issue ???
  21. I am slightly confused by that picture above. I need to remove the clutch to see if tophat is broken but seems the tophat is actually at the gear lever side, is that right ??? cause that's how it looks in that picture.
  22. Finally got round to taking the cover off. Next issue is how do I remove the clutch ???
  23. Do I presume I need to buy said pin then ??
  24. Thanks for the reply, though all of what you've said is way above my head
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