You're aware they are hellish on the road.....aren't you
What level of rider are you ?
£450 excess on a £1500 bike with a policy payment of £80.
On a 5 grand bike I can understand, on a £1500, hmmm......
There is clearly a pro team working that area, that must be around half a dozen or so in the last couple of months around that way.
Unless I've missed it, you failed to say what size of bike it is, as they came with two different type of carbs.
Light gear oil I found works best in the shercos, put 450 in rather than the stated 500.
The exhaust and tank will dent when you so much as breathe on them so get them protected. The frame at the headstock always gets marked as the pathetic plastic protector is rubbish.
Went with a new plug and "engaging the gear" on every start today and think it only failed to start first time once, so thanks for the help folks.
I've not had a chance to try things since this topic, was started. I have put in a new plug, and now fully aware of the correct procedure. I have on a couple of occasions started the bike from cold as per above and have had it start first time, but as said, not had the chance to run the bike for any length of time to see how this works with a warm bike, hopefully over the weekend I shall get a chance and report back.
That is the whole point I think.
The spectator obviously did, and the rider isn't too chuffed about being, to a degree, more or less, called a cheat, but other than that, no, no one else in the world cares. I mentioned it here, purely due to never having been aware of any spectator, ever, being able to influence the official scores, after they were produced, but may be I'm wrong.
My understanding is the rider accepted that the spectator seen what he seen. However, it was after the rider had rreturned his card that this was brought up with him, where he replied he couldn't give what he didn't see.
The trials convener was told about it at the time, it was only 48hrs later after the spectator complained was the results changed.
Turns out they adjusted the scores accordingly.
The rider doesn't dispute that his rear wheel may well have been outside the flag, but his first knowledge of it was after his card was handed in, when said spectator told him.
So should he have asked for his card back to change it or do as he did and just left it ? bearing in mind, this is all on the word of the spectator.
Trial on Sunday, spectator on the day, who is also a club member, approaches a rider at the end of the trial and says " hope you gave yourself a five for your rear wheel being outside the flag going through a gate on section one, 3rd lap" Rider has no idea what he's on about and explains he couldn't give what he didn't see.
Fast forward 48 hours, rider gets a call from trials convener to say spectator has complained about riders score after having seen the results, that showed rider hasn't been marked for a five.
What is or should be the decision ??
Let me ask again, what do you mean by "engaging the gear" please explain in layman's terms.
what do you mean by engaging the gear ?
This is just yesterday and today. Its been fine in the previous two trials but today was murder.
Will stick a new plug in and check the pipes.
From warm btw
Only a matter of weeks old but I'm finding it harder and harder to start, so what are my options ?
New Plug ?
Adjust the fuel screw ?
I'm out of options after that, any thoughts ?
Nae floodlit trials yet I'm afraid.
I've just seen the road closures in and around Blair, think he might need a boat to get anywhere.
OK I understand that, you have two options to go watch a trial tomorrow locally. One at Glenlomond in Fife, pretty hard to find if you don't know where, may be Breagh can supply a postcode or out one at Aberlemno, up Finavon hill out the back of Forfar, and err.....I don't have a postcode for it, again, may be Breagh has that to hand ?? but here is a google maps link to where, the B9134 and turn left at the sign for Finavon Hill in the link, follow the road up and you'll see all the vans sitting in the field.
No, specific days only I'm afraid, we don't want people riding where and when they shouldn't be
We have a trial on just outside Forfar tomorrow if you want to come up and have a nosey, bring yer bike, pay a tenner and have a ride round, try what you fancy, miss out what you don't. We also do trials out by Lintrathen so not that far from you either, failing that, come to the wobblers trial in a couple of weeks over in fife.
I certainly wouldn't be advising anyone new to trials to turn up at the Perth DMCC trial. Dunfermline white route, Wobblers B route, Montrose DMCC B route.
Whereabouts in Perthshire fella ? it's a whore oh a big area.
Of course, tapatalk is for the modern man, not something often found posting on TC