That was the first thing that crossed my mind when I seen it advertised today, however, surely even thieves are npt that stupid so soon, are they ?
I understand your point and like many things in life, most don't like change, however, again, like change, once folk are used to things they tend to like them better.
Most many people use mobile devices for surfing the net now, be it phones, tablets,ipads etc, and the use of tapatalk with forums is superb now, far easier access and posting capabilities than finding the site then trying to reply.
On our forum I'd say 70% now use tapatalk if not more, with them all reguarly browsing and posting via tapatalk, it's just so much better on mobile devices. I should add though, I never browse on tapatalk when at home, always laptop.
Is tc going to be coming tapatalk anytime soon ?
Its probably the only based forum I'm on that's not hooked up to it yet.
50:1 is mental for a trials bike, particularly if you just ride clubman without being on the road, and yes I know it says that in the manual, but all that will do will choke the bike sooner or later.
Guess what, it looks just like every othervtrials bike. Loads of maps for every gear fi etc
So what am I looking for about 35% ?
I don't think splatshop do reiger springs, think its gas gas uk.
A quick check of sag gives me 20mm free sag and 90mm rider sag, what does that or what should that tell me ??
Looks just like the coating having wore off, nothing to worry about.
I've read that a couple of times now and still can't make head nor tail of it.
I had a stiffer spring on my sherco and although I can't say I did any big hits or stuff I did notice the difference just by standing on the bike.
if you're interested in selling it fire me a pm please.
Recently bought a 2014 Replica and read that the spring is rated for a 70kilo rider so my question is, what's the merits in buying a heavier rated spring as I'm 96ish kilos, though bearing in mind I ride clubman and not very well at that.
I've done a search on this for the gassers but still a bit confused.
It seems the rear is 6004 2RS but seems the rear is different or is it ?? Is it 6905 ?
For a 2009 125
Very well put together combining the two cameras, but the on board stuff is just horrible to watch, was giving me nausea.
Airbox needs removed, though you don't have to remove the tank.
Open up the carb with the big bolt/screw on the bottom. Be careful to see which way the floats are, then one at a time unscrew the jets, and clean them within an inch of their lives, put everything back in order, then a couple kicks later, the bike should fire up.
Oh get oo'er yersell ffs. Treat the public poorly, expect the public to tell others how they were treated.
Haha, how much you getting paid for all this pr bs ?
I would've bought one in a minute, however, I have been messed about something terrible in the last four weeks, when I had an order in. I have decided to take my business elsewhere, so things can't be that bad for them that they can mess the buying public about that is spending over five grand and not be too bothered about losing their business.
Get yourself to Craiglash on Sunday with those skills, failing that, come and show us how it's done at Edzell instead on Sunday.
It's a personal inner club joke
To be fair, Duncan is the only one in the UK wanting Scorpas
He's told me three different dates they were leaving Spain, none of them were accurate. I'm also aware Gas Gas 2015s are due in this week, though were supposed to be in last week, so just wondered if they came in the same containers.
I'm wondering if the Spanish factories ship their bikes to the UK together or individually ? It seems Gas Gas and Jotagas have been delayed in shipping their 2015 bikes and wondered if they would come in the same transport ? Not entirely sure how many bikes each importer would be getting but would doubt it would be a truck full of Gas Gas or Jotagas, but may be I'm wrong, does anyone know ??