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Everything posted by cabby
  1. Excuse the typo in the title.
  2. Never heard of them before until I see they are now fitted on the 2015 jotagas models, so does anyone know anything about them or what they are like ?
  3. telecat, you can't receive news messages..
  4. Well now you know. fwiw, I was told there is less than ten owners in Scotland, and that was back when they first came out, I've only ever seen or heard of one being owned up here now.
  5. ffs, ask a couple of simple questions, and all you get is folk spamming the topic, so just in case, a couple of things. 1) Dundee is the location 2) I wouldn't ride a twinshock, never mind buy one If anyone can answer the questions raised, or have any relevant replies I'd appreciate it, if not, move along, nothing to see here.
  6. What relevance is my location ? The info is in my posting, nearest supplier is 150 miles away, next nearest is 190 miles away.
  7. Today I spoke to the nearest dealer who could supply me a jotagas, although he's not an actual jotagas dealer, and he wasn't entirely comfortable about getting me one. For two reasons in the main, firstly, he isn't an official dealer and the distance involved between us (150 miles away) Now, I totally understand his position on things, and he doesn't have full knowledge of how reliable these bikes are. So this leaves me a bit concerned about how reliable they may be, and if they have faults etc, I'm stuck with it, as the next nearest dealer is 190 miles away. So, I'm basically asking for some honest replies to reassure me that these bikes are good, reliable and the company itself is stable.
  8. You guys must be riding at a high level if these things are so crucial. I'm almost getting put off buying one now if they're fueling needs so much work.
  9. 450-500 ml of light gear oil. The age of the bike means it will have bearings rather than bushes, so they will need stripped and greased regularly.
  10. My decision is made up, I just need to decide between a 250 or a 300.
  11. haha, guess I asked for that. Ok I meant jotagas specific parts.
  12. I'm considering buying a new jotagas, however, I'm a bit concerned about their parts back up. Simple things like bolts and screws, graphics, etc, you know consumables. I have no knowledge of whether it's good or bad, so can anyone tell me how this is ?? Been riding shercos for the last few years and the back up from splatshop is fantastic.
  13. Not only are you coming over as very pedantic you're now exaggerating figures. You crack on with this topic, I'm out.
  14. You're right, that's all I've ever given here, my opinion, get over it.
  15. I predict you sell it within 4 weeks and buy a 250.
  16. No, I'm not "generalising" at all, I'm telling you how it is....in my opinion, I'm also telling you I don't know anyone who thinks it's a good spectator sport.
  17. You may not be a football fan, so you may be slightly biased against it. My point is I'm a rider and a fan of trials but I don't know anyone who thinks it's a spectator sport, and I've been to the six days and btc rounds in the past.
  18. I don't think trials is a spectator sport at all. I watched a clip of the btc that big john posted on facebook, watched all the five minute clip but tbh, I thought it was very boring to watch, and that's coming from a fan of trials.
  19. cabby

    Smoky,smoky !

    Am I sure it's the bike ? I'm not getting your question I'm afraid ??
  20. cabby

    Smoky,smoky !

    After some thought, it wasn't like mental smoking just more than normal, so I'm not sure how badly they smoke when a crank seal goes.
  21. cabby

    Smoky,smoky !

    Can't say I noticed it being down on power.
  22. cabby

    Smoky,smoky !

    When I say I did the carb the night before, it was the week before, but it's the first time the bike has been run since doing the carb. I shall drop the oil over the weekend and see what comes out. I checked the plug and it was black and soaking, changed it, and the bike fired up and ran ok then put bike in the van then headed home. I didn't want to say I'd replaced the plug to see what replies I got.
  23. cabby

    Smoky,smoky !

    Trial the other night my bike was running like sh!t, smoking like a good un. Cutting out a few times, particularly near the end but also smoking a fair bit all night. Now I had the usual mixture in the fuel, the carb had just been cleaned the night before, and the bike has always ran well, so what might be the issue ??
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