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Everything posted by cabby
  1. I think at clubman level it's the worse motorcycle sport to watch, dull, I think the x-games is a circus with performing monkeys, very skillful performing monkeys granted, the ssdt and Scott are a very good watch, as for the outdoor worlds, I booked to attend two of next years series, so should be good, but you wouldn't catch me opening my curtains if the indoor was playing out in my garden.
  2. That' an interesting point, makes you wonder why there is so much advertising on youtube now then, my uneducated guess is, if sponsors can't see what's in it with internet advertising, then they possibly need to re think their strategy, cause that's where it's at nowadays.
  3. I'd say it's experience, we did a trial last weekend where the ground was frozen solid, on one section many riders just couldn't get up it where the more experienced ones did so easily, try and learn what it going on with the rear wheel when you touch the throttle, tyre squirts about, shut off then back on again.
  4. I canny believe that even has to be said
  5. Can't you get it online ?? https://uktvplay.uktv.co.uk/shows/ross-noble-off-road/watch-online/?=Ross Nob&loginComplete=true
  6. Post of the topic, sums it all up
  7. I get a great sense of achievement finishing a section, never mind a trial.
  8. Wait til you see how he is in episode two. He'll not like what he sees how he comes across.
  9. Clarky with a starring role in episode one, and the word Race has only been mentioned about 5 or 6 times.
  10. The last club trial I rode has me seriously considering my membership for that club next year, may be I'm a wuss but that kind of club trial is not what I'm in it for, but there again, I'm old and rubbish so don't expect any club to specifically cater for me.
  11. Don't go on his land though whatever you do, though you should be ok now he's moved on.
  12. I usually find sitting on my fat ass all week surfing the tinternet to be suffice come any given Sunday.
  13. If he sticks at it it will consume you for the next ten years, every weekend for 9 months of the year. Although it'll all depend on how much ice he gets, I was fortunate mine was pretty good, other parents had to suffer watching their kids sitting on the bench for most of the 60 minutes, brilliant sport though.
  14. Funnily enough, my son also plays ice hockey, has done so for about 15 years now, and played pro for about 3 of those years, then found wine women and song
  15. What ever you do DO NOT GET YOUR SON IN TO THE SPORT, he'll be kicking your a*** within a year, it'll be so disheartening, you'll probably stop loving him and start hating him, he'll be kicking dirt in your face as he wheelies over you using you for grip then laughing at you as you struggle over the simplest section while he does it all on the back wheel, then he'll find wine women and song and you won't see him for ten years, enjoy.
  16. The 2010 model was a howler, I had one....and a 2012, which was a better bike but still that terrible rear tank design and as for trying to get the airbox back on the carb...OMFG, drove me insane. I know not of what they speak in the post above about the 14/15/16 model but from recollection it was only the 15 factory model that ran like a pig, though possibly the 15 model in general. I have heard no stories of the 16 running poorly and I have a 17 which is perfect, unlike the pilot. I wouldn't touch the 10 model with a bargpole, through choice I wouldn't buy anything from 10 - 15 purely based on the rear tank, absolute rubbish idea, also the dings the bottom yoke put in the upper frame really was a terrible design, 16 onwards has tank in the usual place upfront and no issues with yoke dinging the frame.
  17. best start the Dibs to sherco rumour then
  18. We're no talking aboot me. The OP made no mention of grip, so why you guys getting hung up on it
  19. A good set of tyres to the OP may mean something different to him, as he says, long life, that may mean a good set to him I doubt the average rider can tell the difference between Michie and Dunlop.
  20. He didn't ask about them gripping so why mention it ?
  21. Hmm....Emma Bristow in a one piece suit
  22. 07 will probably be the month it was produced and the last 4 digits will probably be the bikes own code.
  23. It has always puzzled me how they know. I get the....been followed home type thefts but it's like they have insider knowledge at times, what is also bizarre is how these bikes just simply vanish, never to be seen again.
  24. And trials wonder why they are the anonymous motorsport. ?? or maybe that's just how they like it.
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