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Everything posted by cabby
  1. Have a nosey at this, though the delorto is pretty easy to get running correctly tbh. http://www.ducatimeccanica.com/dellorto_guide/dellorto_3_4.html
  2. cabby

    Keihn Carb

    Couple of questions.... Can anyone point me in the direction of where I would be able to buy the rubber gasket that fits inbetween the two parts of said carb ? Also... Supermarket fuel and a Keihn carb, should there be an issue ? i.e. poor running possibly due to using supermarket fuel ?
  3. Not sure where to post this topic so will put it in here. I have tried to post something on the new off road mart page, but everytime I go to upload a picture I get an error message ? I have PM'd the fella Andy but other than a single reply from him, and two further replies from me, I am no further forward. Has anyone else experienced this error message ? any way of resolving it ? Can't see it being a file to big cause I get message with any size of file. Any help aprreciated.
  4. To be fair, you have introduced lots and lots of riders, particuarly your side of the water, no idea how to get folk on my side involved, and it's not through the want of trying, which takes me back to my previous posting, I think they see the vids and think....hmm,,,what a load oh pish, how to get them on a bike is another issue.
  5. A wee bump for your topic Allan. Here is what I have observed of late trying to get folk interested in trials. It is quite possibly the worst spectator motorcycle genre out there. I have shown folk vids of our trials/sections and even I have to concede it's a rubbish sport to watch. I think the problem for wtachers is, it looks too easy and boring, it's getting them to try it it the problem, for the afrementioned reasons.
  6. cabby

    Swing Arm Removal ?

    It was just a tap out, I was just concerned it might have been a bigger problem getting it back in. Anyway, as stated, I tapped it out, greased the bearings and was surprised how easy it was to replace again, now if only I could get those brake pistons out, I'd have a working bike
  7. I'd agree that the seals are swollen to the extent they ain't moving much at all now, in fact probably only one of them out the four is moving. I have tried to grease them with rubber grease but not making much oddsa, next step is to try and get them out I guess.
  8. These pots aren't shifting with or without the cap off. As for splitting the caliper, that's not possible as it's a one piece forumla, and even if it was, I wouldn't, been there done that, nightmare that it is.
  9. Took the brakes of my bike, removed the pads and gave the inside a spray with.....wait for it....carb cleaner, on refitting brakes the pots have almost seized up I can only assume due to using carb cleaner rather than brake cleaner (thought it was the same thing) anyway, how do I resolve this issue ???
  10. cabby

    Swing Arm Removal ?

    Do you mean like a pinch bolt you get on front wheels ?
  11. cabby

    Swing Arm Removal ?

    err....I'm not sure what you mean ?
  12. Stripping the bike down and got to the swinging arm. Not even sure if I should be removing it or not, as I wish to grease the moving parts, anyway, 1) do I need to remove it to do so and 2 ) should the bolt that goes thru the whole lot be as tight as it is even after removing the nut from the opposite end ? Last thing I want to be doing is removing it if I don't have to but if I do, am I gonna get it back on again with it being so tight in the first place. 2012 250 btw.
  13. Where would be the best place to source a formula brake lever ??
  14. Trying to bleed the clutch on a gas gas 125, and can't get a single bit feeling in the lever. It seems to have fluid moving thru it, but no pressure whatsoever in the lever. Is there something we are missing or something we aren't doing that we should be ??
  15. I had a similar dilemma recently, wanted a new helmet cam, but not the hideous go pro, just the most stoopid looking thing ever to fit on a helmet, regardless of what it films, I ended up getting the HD drift, I like it, who cares what others think (guess same could be said for the go pro) but whatever you do, don't ever get a go pro cause all you'll do is look like a teletubby with one one. Anyway, here's mine from the Bob MacGregor two day. Click bottom right and put it on HD 1080
  16. Bulldog clip/pliers etc to clamp the fuel tube.
  17. Nice of you to triviaise it all while still not giving a proper answer to my original question and given both clubs have a healthy balance I can't quite get my head round it all.
  18. Ha ha, think I've already been stitched up this season thanks.
  19. I'm not questioning what the club makes from any trial, but what you're essentially asking is that those who just turn up on the Sunday to subsidise those that ride on the Saturday. For those that just ride on the Sunday, this will be no different to any other trial that there has been in the past, other than being 50% dearer. I will give it due consideration, but that's now a couple of things recently that I can't say I'm particularly happy about.
  20. Why is it £15 for the Sunday ? Every other club or Championship trial has been a tenner but this one is £15 ??
  21. Where can I find the entry list ??
  22. Everything he says except completely ignore the "never use a power washer"
  23. They pay their money the same as everyone else.
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