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Everything posted by cabby
  1. I bet there are loads of riders in Scotland reading this topic and thinking....What a bunch of fannies you lot are !!
  2. Is there any way of lightening a gasser 125 09 clutch ? I know on betas you could take out springs etc,
  3. cabby


    The ssdt is no stop ??? Not last week it wasn't anyway
  4. Doesn't take much working out does it ?
  5. cabby

    Setting Sag ?

    How predictable, no show without punch.
  6. cabby

    Setting Sag ?

    yep I agree totally, but why do soo many people make such a big deal of getting your sag sorted then ?
  7. cabby

    Setting Sag ?

    I agree this is how it looks on paper, and even I was surprised on how little thread there was left to wind as it had never been touched before now.
  8. Hmmm....well as I said, it all depends on the tester. In the past(very recently), I have had a bike passed, with a small number plate, I have also have had another bike passed(no so recently) with a covered up front light for a daytime mot.
  9. As long as his number plate is made up of two lines, he should be fine, unless he goes to an erse of an mot inspector. Horn No lights at all(blank out front light) Rear reflector Number plate Road legal tyres (again could be a sticky point if inspector is an erse.
  10. The chap has given the other chap wrong information, I was merely pointing out that very fact
  11. cabby

    Setting Sag ?

    The bike is 4 months old, the spring is new (obviously) and there wasn't too much thread to wind down tbh.
  12. cabby

    Setting Sag ?

    You see, this is the issue I have with suspension, two answers to one simple question, both very different.
  13. cabby

    Setting Sag ?

    Got static sag at around 17mm, race sag is still near 100mm with the spring wound pretty much all the way to the end of the thread. I believe it needs to be around 58-60 mm so I have to assume I need a stiffer spring.....correct ???
  14. cabby

    Setting Sag ?

    I'm awaiting them getting stiffer springs in, been a while... My race sag is out by 40 mm, I need a stiffer spring.
  15. cabby

    Setting Sag ?

    175mm, finally found out what the travel is. So I assume I need one third of 175mm for my rider sag....is that correct ?? Don't suppose anyone knows what the gas gas rear travel is while I'm at it
  16. cabby

    Setting Sag ?

    Thanks for taking the time to reply, but it's finding out what the travel on my bike is part of the issue. They say one third of the travel, but how do you find out that if you can't find out what the travel is ???
  17. cabby

    Setting Sag ?

    OK the black art of setting suspension is driving me crazy. One thing in particular, setting rear sag I know how to take the measurements, I know static sag, rider(race sag) etc etc, but how do I know what is the correct sag ?? Yes I've searched on here, and almost always find it should be 1/3 of the travel, but how do I find out what the travel is ???? For example here are measurements I have taken. Bike on stand - 625mm Bike sitting settled on ground = 600mm Bike with my fat ass on it in gear = 520mm Where does this 1/3 come from and how do I find it What figure should I be looking to achieve for rider sag ???
  18. If yer down that way have a wee nosey in the woods for Suzanne Pilley while yer there
  19. Cheers John, found it, even I wouldn't give him a clean for that.
  20. Can't find the picture now, but even Stevie Wonder couldn't give him a clean for the 5 he took, unless of course you don't get a 5 for being off the bike, at one side and getting helped out the section.
  21. This place is full of goody two shoes, all too keen to toe the party line of being all prim and proper Riding bikes is all about freedom, freedom to explore, freedom to go places you wouldn't normally, freedom to do your own thing, well that's what the appeal of biking has always been to me. Sick of reading folk on here with their holier than thou attitude. If I was buying a bike just for fun riding, it would be a 300 for me, wouldn't dream of buying one for trialing, but for fun, 300 will give ye more kicks
  22. At least I ride to have an excuse, whats your excuse for not riding......again. Get on with riding, or get on with dying.
  23. What if the tyres youre buying are older 6 or 12 months respectively.
  24. cabby

    Creeking sussies.

    This has raised it's ugly head again,but this time it's on a different bike than when I originally started this topic not one trial after I've done the whole linkage, oh and the bike is only 4 months old.
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