Glentrusta is out the back of finavon services, near the prison nornside.
Enjoy ! You hame ? Montrose trial at glentrusta on 22nd.
Christ youre keen for someone just starting out.
Tell me something, at the practise sessions on the Saturday, are they allowed to try the sections or just practise in the general area but not in the sections ??
Looking to get a twinshock but no real idea about what's hot and what's not ?
There is a couple of cleans bikes in the shape of a 348 montesa cota and a ty 250 yam.
Is one better than the other, would you recommend one over the other ??
Still have original beta kill switch on ?
Is there likely to be any twinshock bikes up for sale, not thinking pre 65 but 70's 80s twinshockers ??
Sorry if in the wrong section, but can someone tell me where parc ferme is for the two day pre 65 ?
This isn't that clear to me, from someone who hasn't been up that way before. So to clarify, is it up Glen Nevis I drive ?? http://maps.google.co.uk/?ll=56.821359,-5.094226&spn=0.003664,0.011362&t=m&z=17&layer=c&cbll=56.821359,-5.094226&panoid=BWNcSGemC7NYlpijMcqHBQ&cbp=12,87.74,,1,8.63
When I say the forks were almost solid, I meant, almost solid, which surely wouldnt be saggy springs, if so there plenty compression but probably little rebound, believe me, there was little of either. Ye brakes can probably be sorted, as for the no go, its hard to explain, just could barely get the thing to take off at all.
TBH, I have no idea if it had 5 gears or not, didn't have a clue what gear I was in from Nuetral given how it rode. Forks didn't look bent, just almost solid, and as I say, brakes non existent. Both these things I could probably have overlooked had it not been for the lack of go.
I was actually disappointed to have walked away without buying it, but was concerned about having to possibly throiw money at something I have no clue about what the issues were.
Thinking maybe with it sitting about the plates may be stuck, doesn't answer the solid front forks though ?
Went to see a nice looking, clean 1976 Ossa tonight with the intention to buy.
On first sight, looked better than the pictures, eventually fired up, sounded fine, revved well, engine sounded good, however......had three issues...
1) Despite sounding good had next to feck all drive ?? Like no matter what, it hardly went at all, chap said I might be in the wrong gear
2) Front forks were almost solid, like hardly any movement in them at all ??
3) Brakes were almost non exsistent ?
Now I have no idea about older bikes, but I did expect them to have a bit of go, but anyone care to offer a theory or two for issues 1 and 2 ? as I was already warned about Ossa brakes being crap.
To be fair to the owner, he did say it had sat around for a good while, having only ridden it twice in a year.
Me if it's in good nick and running well. PM me please.
You really need to lighten up fella.
Can anyone tell me how accessable this event is for spectators on foot ?? i.e. Can I park up somewhere and walk to the sections without feeling I'm climbing Nevis it'self ??
Trying to find an NGK plug equiveland to the Denso original plug from my 2012 250 ??
The Denso is marked W16EP-U
Anyone know ??
A lap of a charity trial yesterday in aid of Strathcarron Hospice, thanks again to those who made it happen, a great day out.
Can anyone point me in the direction of where I can buy a rear brake pedal push rod ??
The original pedal was snapped so ordered another, now I notice the original push rod doesn't detach from the broken lever, and I can't find a push rod from where I got the new lever.
Thanks in advance.
This type of guard....
Canny find it anywhere on their site ?
Is there anyplace that sells engine gaurds for shercos ? Can get one for a beta or a gasser or older models of sherco but not any new model gaurd ??
Hallelujah !!
I said that in a post fairly recently and some erse dived in and said otherwise.
The above line is Wiggy's exact words on his own FB page, so to me he's blaming the observer, not the rules.