That's what folk said to me when I had the very same issue with bleeding a beta, turned out if was a dodgy caliper.
Yesterday I fitted inline filters to both my bikes, however, I noticed the inside diameter of the fuel lines from both bikes were different. The delorto was much narrower than the Kehin line.
So my question is, with the filters obviously being the same size as each other, will the flow of fuel be restricted to the carb of the kehin as it has the wider diameter hose ??
Hope that makes sense ??
I believe it does, but also believe they aren't the best of filters.
Nice one.
Saved me using the young lads bike tomorrow and him having to sit in the house all day Now at least he'll get a ride also tomorrow
Seems you were on the money fella
Removed filter between pump and carb, re fit line, put together, kicky, kicky, starty, starty
Went to fit two inline filters to my 2012 this morning, one from the tank to the pump and one from pump to carb, after a bit of problems getting the air box back on, I got everything back together, kicked her over and started first kick but on huge revs, even after choke put off, switched it off, started her again, same problem. Went to start her a third time, and now it won't start at all ???
Any ideas ?
First on the very high revs and now on the non starting ??
Fuel lines aren't kinked, filter arrows pointing in direction of flow !!
At 20.15 the guy stopped for 52 seconds.....snoresville tennessee
I forgot to add, two gas gas 125s 09 and an 06
OK take this scenario, two 125's, one has a delorto the other has a Kehin(or however you spell it) Is it just a matter of swapping over throttle cables and carbs on to each other bike and things would work just fine ???
Buy the full ticket folks, ive already done 3 sacu trials this year.
Not trying to put anyone off the oel's john just saying that your as well buying the full ticket
That's a fair indication, it would be on a gasser 125, probably a bit of road work here and there to get where I want to go then just play about.
It has a speedo/clock, so I really should check it first before I go, canny really be ersed carrying spare fuel when just out for a fanny about
A rough guesstimate is all I'm looking for.
Don't ever want to find out the hard way, but say trail riding on you're every day trials bike, be it 125/250/300, how many miles would/should I expect ??
Look dude, if yer gonna quote me, quote me on what I say, not what you're making up.
OK dude, if you think watching clubman trials is good to watch, which it isn't btw, then you win, crack on geezer.
You'll probably end up spending the difference on getting the 07 sherco up to scratch.
Set ye up for that one dude
No I'm not kidding, get anyone who rides bikes that isn't in to trials to a clubman trial, and have them watch for an hour, they'll be bored ****less.
The dude is just starting out, I suspect he won't be going to watch Bou at a local trial, cause if he was,he'd be impressed then think , f*ck that, but watching clubman level trials is dull.
Are you seriously suggesting watching clubman trials is interesting ? if so, you need to get out more dude/dudette.
Should these type of posts not be deleted, inflammatory, aggressive and down right abusive, I'm appalled, there is no place in our wonderful sport for the likes of you.
If you do go to a local trial to watch, don't be put off, it must be one of the dullest sports I can think of to watch, but is fantastic to compete in