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Everything posted by cabby
  1. ye thanks fella, I am aware of that issue, though this is spewing out uncontaminated atf.
  2. Nope they are fine. Just had a quick look and seems to be seeping out from behind the casing, Crackcase gasket possibly ??
  3. Like I say, it's been fine up til the weekend, never leaked a drop before and haven't changed the oil for at least a month.
  4. Just been out to the shed to find my beta 270 has leaked gear box oil all over the floor ?? Had a play on it on Saturday but it's never leaked oil before now or at least before Saturday. Any thoughts, theories or guesses on possible cause ???
  5. I've got a rev 3 also and runs great, and sounds pretty much the same as that
  6. Bought another caliper, line, m/c and lever
  7. I dont undrrstand why you brought me, my ability or my bike into this topic.
  8. Oh get you blawing about yer kid....yawn!
  9. You're a victim of fashion, i have no sympathy, oh and for the record, so am i.
  10. Beta 200 is a heap oh pish, wouldn't touch one. Scorpa is the way forward
  11. cabby

    Stopped running !

    But as I said in an earler post, the carb was getting fuel ???
  12. cabby

    Stopped running !

    TBH I'm not sure, as I said, I removed tank and then hose, then re fitted and it fired up I didn't or don't know what difference the breather hose would do ??
  13. cabby

    Stopped running !

    Really ? I have no idea why it worked after I did that just glad it did.
  14. cabby

    Stopped running !

    Update. Put some fuel down the hole and got a wee splutter then cut out, so removed tank, and breather hose, then re fitted, and strangely it fired up So I've just left it for now and will re fit kill switch the mora and hopefully all will be good
  15. cabby

    Stopped running !

    Sorry, been out all day, just tried it there, still no joy, though strangely the fuel tank plastic cover was wet with fuel when I went out to it there ?? here's a thing from yesterday though, when I removed the fuel line from the carb the fuel kept flooding out, is that normal ? I can't recall that happening before, yes when you remove it from the bottom of the tank but not the line going to the carb ?? I may be wrong ??
  16. cabby

    Stopped running !

    I did look at the breather hose though not even sure what I was meant to be looking for/at. Ye sorry, 2010 290 Nothing really, just riding around a bit, just seemed like I stalled it, then hasn't started since, I wasn't too worried at the time, as I said, at first thought I might have been out of fuel, but knew I had a full tank to start with, then carb, but again as I said, I've checked all the obvious ???
  17. Posted on his FB first place
  18. cabby

    Stopped running !

    Hmmm....did consider putting some fuel down the hole but thought with a new plug it would start. As for the old plug, wouldn't say it was wet, no. Are you suggesting I put some mix down the hole with old or new plug or would it matter ?
  19. cabby

    Stopped running !

    Tried new plug, Flywheel/ woodruff key ??? Why would you suggest that ? Not that I'm in any way questioning you, well you know what I mean
  20. cabby

    Stopped running !

    Out today and after a short while my bike cut out and wouldn't start again, so thinking it might be no fuel put more in, nothing. Got home, stripped and cleaned the carb, removed kill switch, checked the carb was getting fuel, and the plug was getting a good spark, alas, still not starting Anything else I should be checking ??
  21. Today the caliper was stripped and the line, m/c and caliper were blown with air, in case of any possible blockage, we then reassembled, got some slight pressure, then went to put new pads in, pushed back pots, insert pads.....and guess what.....no pressure
  22. If you're intending on putting an add in the classifieds don't put your email addy in the advert, I've just had a load of penis extension, viagra and Big mama emails in. Is there anyway I can delete or edit my add ??
  23. I am pretty confident that there isn't any air in that system, it has been bled at least 10-15 times, every way possible, now over the years I have bled a few brakes, but this is the first time I've never had pressure at the caliper. I believe the fact that due to the fact the caliper is separating, however fractionally, may well be the reason I'm getting no pressure, and believe me, it can't be tighened any more or less that it has been done.
  24. There seems to be a fraction of opening of the caliper where they meet at the top, does that make any sense ? For example, when compressing the lever, it seems to expand the caliper i.e. both parts seem to move apart, by an absolute fraction, but possibly enough not to hold pressure ????? One other question, the small O ring seal, should that be flush, protrude or inside the depth of the hole it sits in when fitting both sides together ??
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