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Everything posted by cabby
  1. OK, so far I have done.... New piston in m/s New pots and seals in caliper New washers on banjo And still to date, not have enough pressure to stop the wheel turning by hand when leevr helf fully in, despite having bled it to death
  2. Washers replaced, and.......a very little bit of pressure, but that's it
  3. We think we have narrowed it down to a couple of spent washers on the banjo, seems to be weeping out of there and was impossible to notice at first. Will replace them tomorrow and find out for sure.
  4. I've been through almost 500 ml trying to get this thing sorted
  5. Fair point, someone else said that also, I replaced it tonight anyway, and still not a single bit of movement in the caliper
  6. Still no joy, can it be the caliper seal rather than the ms seal possibly, bearing in mind I have split the caliper.
  7. Have tried all various types of methods, unfortunately I had to split the caliper to get the old pots out, last night I tied the lever to the bars but still to no avail. I have ordered another m/s piston. One question though, when I pull lever in and out I get air bubbles coming up ?? Should that be happening or is that a sign of m/s piston seal gone ???
  8. Yes rear brakes are a nightmare, though I wouldn't have thought my front would've been so tough.
  9. Back bled, loads of air coming up right til there was none and MS was full, but still no pressure at the caliper
  10. I did put some behind the pots, yes.
  11. Put this topic in this section as it's a bleeding brakes issue and not specific to a particular make, anyway... Sons bike had squealing brakes, thought, new pads should sort that, it didn't all it got me to notice was the pots were hardly moving, so split the caliper, removed pots, replaced with new seals and pots. Replace fluid, try to bleed and getting no pressure at all in the caliper, can't even get fluid to flow out of the bleed nipple. Am I missing anything ? I have removed the piston from the MS and it looks fine, well to my eyes that is....ideas folks ??
  12. Read the last post in this topic, help me http://www.trialscentral.com/forums/topic/34975-2007-beta-250/
  13. cabby


    This will be the lad that's done trials all his life, unlike us bunch oh hopeless cun
  14. cabby


    Cool, 160 views and not a single opinion
  15. cabby


    Considering buying an 05 270 but really know nothing about them. Bike in the pictures looks clean enough but other than the usual beta issues of Stator and water pump seals, what else should I know about these bikes ?? Cheers Oh and if Fat******* or stevecollie reply I want them banned
  16. cabby

    R.I.P. Marco

    No other words will do Good night hairy racer dude, on the way to being a legend.
  17. Get his and Eck's number on speed dial, you'll need it
  18. If it was a beta it would probably make it of more value
  19. How many "trials bikes" do you know have an ht lead ?
  20. No keys, no steering lock, kick and away
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