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Everything posted by cabby
  1. Start by taking the carb off and cleaning it, refit then try again, not saying it's gonna go but it's a process of elimination
  2. Ahh...I see, I was thinking more along the lines of just road riding, fair point
  3. What ? Are you being serious ? Seriously, are you being serious ??????
  4. cabby

    Oh Oh 4RT

    It's f*cked Time to retire before you break anything else
  5. The 200 ktm is a beast. The scorpa would be a great bike for an enduro. There was guy a couple years ago rode a H&H up at Woodside in Elgin no bother.
  6. Aye, the Ice Hockey team,sorry about the typo.
  7. How are the Tappers getting on this season ??
  8. I have some curdled milk here, just gonna put that in
  9. Quick question to the knowledgeable Can I substitute dexron 111 aft for fork oil and if so what is this aft equivalent to in weight ?/ Cheers peeps
  10. I would imagine the fox is a bit p****d about.
  11. 68 and you have a ktm 200. One word for that fella.....RESPECT
  12. Cheers for that, tried it, and tbh it's not the best of jobs but it'll have to do
  13. Just got myself a new rear mudgaurd and sticker, however i suspect im only going to get one crack at applying said sticker. So is there a tried and tested way to get it right ?
  14. cabby

    Gas Gas 125

    Is that for real in the classifieds the guy has given his full address including post code Posted in this section as a pre emptive strike as it were
  15. cabby

    scorpa smoking

    What mixture are you running at the moment ?
  16. I have only just solved a similar issue. Long story that I can't be ersed typing, but safe to say it was doing my heed right in for months, anyway, after numerous flat times, numerous refitting of the rim tape, I finally took ages refitting the rim tape perfectly, set it to four over a week back, still there now.
  17. Excellent these bloody soft dabs on the first lap are a killer, I speak with huge experience of them
  18. Dull, Dull, Dull. Moto GP better improve as a spectator sport for the thous coming in again next year or the fans will desert it in droves....FACT!
  19. Just a quickie folks, can anyone tell me how much fork oil goes in each fork ? Thanks in advance.
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