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Everything posted by cabby
  1. cabby

    Funny Slip

    Have you asked the DBFs chief trials mechanic his thoughts ? Seeing as he's no a gardener.
  2. I use atf in mine, and has been fine and dandy
  3. Have to say I like to see the results, if for no other reason than to see how bad I really am against the others. Kinda lucky though cause both the clubs I'm in have the results up quick.
  4. other than a few quid in price, what is the difference between them ??
  5. tis great watching footage when you know the place it's being shot
  6. What was the debate at section two ? Did he give you a 5 ??
  7. Ah bugger, put on mute pretty much from the start so never heard anymore....off to listen now
  8. Excellent, really enjoyed the viewing though the music was hellish
  9. Gonna take this to PM to save any further embarrassment for myself...PM coming your way G D
  10. That all makes sense to me, you now have three measurements - check.... Now what ? Oh and sorry for jumping in, been following this closely.
  11. They now have a minted scorpa ty-s 175
  12. 4 stroke over a 2 stroke I'd guess for doing trails.
  13. cabby


    Can't help you much other than... 40N = 6st 45N = 8st 50N = 9st 60N = 10st 70N = 13st 75N = 16st 80N = 20st Hope that in some way helps
  14. Start unbolting the tank/Mud guard etc, it should all pull apart easily enough I'd have thought. Clean fuel tank out, new fuel, clean carb, new plug etc.....it's how I would start anyway Hope it goes well for ye, looks a nice oldie
  15. cabby

    witch gas gas

    Don't just look at Gas Gas's would be my first advice !
  16. No need for hopping in "no stop trials"
  17. It's never the Arrow, always the Indian, but always blame the bike Oh, and is there any topics I post in that you don't stalk me in
  18. Only the very early models had issues, and they were all sorted under warranty. My 290 is smoother than a smooth thing winning first prize in a being smooth competition, so don't believe everything you read, especially on internet forums.
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