Is the entry similar to the 6 days where "x" amount are kept for certain riders/factories (yeah I know that sounds stupid in a pre65 but you know what I mean) or is it just a straight ballot ??
That is a very fair point.
Keep this to yourself, but just between me and you, I've heard it's in the Friday/Saturday before the main event
None of you are helping me make a decision here
What of the riders who wish to ride the same route as say their mates or sons, should they also be encouraged to "step up" but all they want to do is have a fun with their "mates" or "sons" ??
yeah, obviously I can see they are two completely different bikes, maybe I should've asked, is the 2010 the better buy despite obviously being dearer, if actually outside my budget.
I'm currently looking at a couple of 290's, one is a 2009 and the other is a 2010. Is there much difference between the models ? Is the newer one a better buy despite being around
Every ten trials
I change my oil every 3 trials, am I over doing it then ???
Sherco 290 from Andy Shilton
Can you elaborate please ?
What, if any, are the pitfalls of buying a second hand bike from an Top level expert rider ?? Like at British level ???
Despite great warmongering, you cannot get 3 points for the wrong size number plate. No insurance is a deffo 6 pointer, what you'd get for non road legal tyres I don't know I'm afraid.
Any thoughts on the Midland xtc 100 ??
That's a real pity, I've bought a number of bikes from them over the years
Looking at possibly buying an 09 290 sherco, what do I need to look out for when going to see it ?
Is there anything that I should know about a 290 ?
Just looking for as much info on it as possible folks.
New to the internet are we
He's only restricted if he competes in SACU events.
Nope, has I meant that I'd have said that
Would you buy a bike from one of the pros ?
I see Katy Sunter and Becky Cook both selling their bikes recently in the classifieds !
Think you've maybe taken me out of context or I've not put over what I meant. I'm trying to explain to the fella that the stuff between the sections, over the moors etc will take just as much out of him as the sections will....No ?
The sections are a piece of cake compared to actually getting to the sections, that's what separates the men from the boys, the reliable bikes from the ones that fall apart.
Good luck if you do get an entry, you will need it.
Wouldn't pay too much more than it is at the mo.
No sure if Paul Ando has got his Scorpa sold yet, worth finding out, was Neil Dawson's old one.
I hear the East Coast is busy....busy with lurkers
Is that the one in Bathgate on fleabay ?