It is a bot of a rant and yes, you are being a bit annoying.
Solid as in won't go down.
Ideas as to what would have locked up ?
hmm, the noise, was like the plates were spinning like hell and making a a kinda whirring if that makes any sense, then the kick start wouldn't crank
Read the gas gas topic about bike size of 125 v 250/280 explains it all perfectly, of course after I had asked the question here
OK found out tonight that a 270 is no good, mainly due to it being so heavy for her, which makes me ask another question, are the 125's 200's actually lighter or just smaller engine sizes ???
Rev3 05 270.
Went out on it, after 5 minutes the clutch sounded like it was slipping all over the place, then shuddered to a halt, and the kick start wouldn't crank.
Any ideas folks ?
If I have to re new, is this part a pattern part ? What I mean is, would this type of rear master cylinder be the same as many other type for other bikes.
Came across some rear brake problems at the weekend, seems the cylinder had seized in side, however, manages to clear it out and clean, however, after bleeding the brakes it seems there is still very little pressure going through the cylinder from the brake pedal.
The seals look a bit worn and the inside of the barrel looks a bit scored also....
New seals kits ? Or a whole new cylinder required ? or any other thoughts ?
I bow to your knowledge but what's the reason for different in each fork ?
Popped a fork seal yesterday, so looking to find out how much oil I put in when replacing the seal ? Also, what's the best weight for the oil.
The water pump casing looks almost new, and I kid you not !
Not had a chance to remove it yet but will try and do so over the weekend.
Some fine replies folks, although I'm not convinced she couldn't handle it, I do take on board everything that has been said and will rely all of this to her, hopefully over the weekend or early next week we'll get out on the bikes and see how she gets on.
She's rode my scorpa 250 and a beta 250 and liked that better than mine, both of which she was comfortable with, the first main issue is the starting, if she can't start it, it's a deffo no go, simple as that.
Anyone ever been ?
How cold is it in December ?
How edible is their food ?
Surely no doing the type oh trials we're doing though ?
That is probably the biggest issue regarding possible purchase me thinks.
Thought I'd start a separate topic on bike size for a beginner, but only trials riding beginner. Now I know there is very little to compare road riding to trials riding but I know a road rider of almost 30 years experience who is considering buying a 270 beta for their first bike. They ride a gsxr 1000 road bike so no stranger to power and the rider is only 8 stone, so my question is, will the rider be able to cope with a 270 as a first bike ???
Oh and the rider is female.
I have done a search on this but have found varying answers, so....
Oil mix for a 2005 270 please.
Any idea what this machine might be worth, ball park area ? C&S good, general condition good, but could do with new boots, so an approx value.
Deffo 2005 270
Was out on it tonight, seems to ride well, although an affy heavy clutch, is this usual ? and any way of lightening it ????
I'm amiliar with the stator isuue, but what's this about the gear boxes ?
I have a chance to buy a 270 rev3 at a fairly decent price, I think it's an 04, well the owner said so, however, I know nothing about the bike and he's hardly ridden it since he bought it about 9 month ago.
What should I be looking out for and what are the likely issues with a bike like this ?
An age old question but I'm gonna ask anyway.
I have a chance at buying an older beta rev3 but the current owner isn't sure what age it is, how would I go about finding out ?
Not having competed in any other trials other than my two local clubs I can't comment on the severity of other clubs trials, but it's my opinion that the trials I attend are popular for that very reason you've given, in saying that, I fancy expanding myself next year, although I'll need to get myself a license to do so
One of my favourites, for the kids at the front, not the clowns at the back