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Obviously it's not to popular then
I'm wondering about the general popularity of trials riding at the moment. In my area it seems to have taken off quite a bit due to two local clubs and the trials they run, but what is the general popularity of trials over the piece as it were ?
I mean, has it become very popular elsewhere also, or less or even pretty much a much since days gone by ? I'm sure the onset of the T'interweb has helped !
There was no abuse given on the day, he waited til he got on his own "safe" local forum and publicly, outrageously, verbally abused his fellow rider of the day.
Can the moderators not please put this topic and public humiliation to bed, this has dragged on a full week after everyone else has forgotten about it, it's doing nothing for the sport in our area by allowing this to continue, now that the OP, to a man has been told he was in the wrong maybe now he'll accept it and move on, and hopefully he'll have the common decency to either publicly or privately apologise for the outrageous personal abuse he gave to his fellow rider on the day on another open forum elsewhere.
I never seen it that way I re read it after your post
Had it off, cleaned it all, still leaking.
Is there a cure other than buying a new one ?
Why are you continuing to keep this going ?
Are you intent to trying to cause trouble on this forum also ?
You are now onto your fourth forum keeping this going, so much for someone who states that it had been resolved with one of the committee.
Ian, be aware that the Wobblers and Montrose are NOT SACU but AMCA, but don't say anymore about it, or you may find some PM's coming your way
Are you suggesting you have to be competitive to compete in trials ?
Moved the bike today and found my stand covered in oil so I assume I have sprung an oil leak, and can only guess it may have happened when I came off it and it got a big smack against a rock...
Any thoughts on where the leak may be coming from ? I noticed the left hand casing has a scrape on it that wasn't there before ??
Mind some piccys on our forum Rob
Good stuff, look forward to seeing it
What about the beta ?? Punted ? trading in ? tipped off a cliff ??
You going new Rob ?
Had a look at a 2010 sherco on Saturday, really tidy, it'll no make me any better oh a rider, but lovely bike though
Rob I'm sure I seen you on at least 4 different bikes today !!
Was that Iain D's young lads Sherco I seen you on late in the day ?? I quite fancy one of them myself, but nae cash
I'm an 8 and bought a size 9 in these boots, perfect!
I'm like a dug wee twa tails, I'm ah excited aboot next years event already
Will there be any free DVD's
Fairly new to this game, so excuse the ignorance, I have an 07 sy250, anyways, bloke said to me at a trial today that scorpas is the skoda of trials bikes
Is this a common known perception ?
I was under the impression the board came free with the tie wraps
Core ? I'd rather stick needles in my eyes
A simple question, what areas of fitness and strength should I be working on in regards benefiting my trials ?
I'm getting a tad bored practising on my own, so, any ideas as to what would make it slightly more appealing ? Bear in mind I've not long took up the sport so don't really want to be trying anything stupid on my own.
It's a bit like Golf, nae pictures on a scorecard