Opinions please !!
New to trials and need a pair of boots, probably sooner rather than later, but like all things, depends on how deep your pockets are...
Is it possible to buy just the rear brake peg rather than the whole arm ? As I lost mine at yesterdays trial and cost me a 5 on the very last section
I can understand you being grated about that, cause if you had more money you would have at least one decent push bike, unlike the heaps oh pish on show
Aye right enough, you weren't being picky
PM on it's way
Sorry, but I'm going to have to beg to differ, unless you are being particular about the exact name of the Pulp Fiction theme or possibly the Credence Clearwater title...
Here's how I have it..
Day zero/Day one
Day 2
AC/DC - Highway to Hell
Ran Jam - Black Betty
Led Zep - Nobody's fault but mine
Day 3
Credence Clearwater - Around the bend
Foo Fighters - Breakout
Day 4
Cozy Powell - Dance with the devil
ZZ Top - Planet of Women
Placebo - Pure Morning
Day 5
Wolfstone - Dave's last reel
Mock Turtles - Can you dig it
Dick Dale - Pulp Fiction theme('Miserlou)
Day 6
Alfro CSS - Whirl Y Reel
George Thorogood and the Destryoers - Miss Luann
AC/DC - Thuderstruck
Now, tell me which one of these is wrong, cause I can't see or here where any are wrong.
Fair doos geezer,just hope you can take it, cause if I start dishing it oot and ye canny handle it, I dinny want you running away and banning me or some other megalomaniac pish like that
Now, dae me a favour, and fukc off to another topic while I get this sorted oot wee the other fella, if ye will
Hmm....that's the 3rd insulting remark you have made of Dundee in the last few days, care to explain what the your issues are geezer
In that case, you need to check the tapes again, cause I am guessing we are talking about day zero and day one as there is no soundtrack on the clic you posted
Hmm, tell me this then, am I missing songs, cause I know that those I have listed are all correct
While out tonight I noticed my bars were leaning forward and was putting a lot of weight on my wrists, so got home and straightened them to what looked like a normal position, however it didn't feel right at all, so, is there a proper position they should be or is it all just feel and what feels best ???
Either way, here goes, in no particular order, but if I'm missing any, I'll have to re consult all the bits of paper lying around here if I'm right, just say and I'll PM address
AC/DC - Highway to hell
Ram Jam - Black Betty
Wolfstone - Davie's last reel
ZZ Top - Planet of Women
Afro CSS - Whirl-Y-Reel
Foo Fighters - Breakout
AC/DC - Thuderstruck
Cozy Powell - Dance with the devil
Placebo - Pure Morning
Led Zep - Nobody's fault but mine
Mock Turtles - Can you dig it
Dick Dale - Pulp Fiction theme
George Thorogood and the Destryoers - Miss Luann
Credence Clearwater - Around the bend
Can you confirm how many songs I should have as I may have mis calculated ??
Do you want it by PM or on open forum ?
Do you want artists and titles or titles only ?
Do you want my address via email or PM to send the dvd to ?
Oh...the banter... funny when I start it, I get PM's telling me to stop it or get accused of personal insults
Ah ffs, I've just watched all the vids again, then seen this quote, I canny be a***d watching them all again so soon, couple oh days and I'll be back
These are amazing stats, sad also I know, but amazing all the same
Could be worse, could be fat and ginger, like yer sell
Right, I'm bored of you now, mods, keep an eye on this troll, you'll note he'll find my topics and comment, all very predictable
I see you're stalking me on here now, all very tedious geezer , but you'll no get away with yer pish on this site.
Some of us have a trial this weekend, not playing away in the sun, so need to get it sorted
there is a small hole on the arm of the tensioner at the top, I'm just assuming it goes thru there ??
I lost the spring also, do i take it that the spring fits on the hole in the arm and in where the small hole is at the back of the swinging arm ?