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Everything posted by cabby
  1. Last night I noticed that my chain block tensioner has worked loose, so I decided to cut it off, as I noticed it just as I was ready to play. I have ordered another and spring, but not sure about how the arm fits/swings ?? Should it be loose/free so it can move back and fourth ??
  2. You mean raping their wives and eating their children ? Ye, stopped that months ago, we now reverse it
  3. cabby

    Per 5 Litres ?

    yep, but I just go with 50ml oil to 4 litres, don't ask why, I just do probably easier to pour 50ml than 62.5
  4. cabby

    Per 5 Litres ?

    When I got mine Munk the bloke told me 80 - 1 on fully, I've kept it at that Also check this topic out http://www.trialscentral.com/forums/index....showtopic=17883
  5. cabby

    Running Issues...

    Sorted fella, water in me fuel/carb, running like a dream, well while I manage to stay on it that is
  6. I wouldn't hold out to much hope of anything happening when he does appear, similar case thru here in Dundee, case discharged, makes you sick
  7. I'm reading it fella, any update ???
  8. cabby

    Fuel Mix?

    That's quite an interesting poll, so can I ask, what difference does super unleaded make ???
  9. cabby

    Scorpa Sy250

    You've bumped a 5 year old topic.....why ?
  10. cabby

    Running Issues...

    Hmmm, not being at all mechanically minded this could be a problem, the carb looks pretty hard to get at also !!
  11. cabby

    Running Issues...

    Righty, the wee scorpa isn't running properly and looking for some thoughts/opinions... I'll start at the beginning.... Since I bought it, it has ran perfectly well, and starts first kick pretty much every time. Out last week and it ran well again but ran out of fuel , didn't think I'd went any further than I had previously but never thought any more about it. Got home, re fuelled bike. Bike had sat since then.... Went out tonight, loaded bike up, came back in, fannied around for half an hour then went out to car to a huge smell of fuel. Checked bike and there was fuel all over the back of the motor . Took it out, cleaned up mess, switched fuel off, and off I went.. Unloads bike, starts bike and away I go....get to where I wanted to go and could feel it was struggling to tick over, then couldn't get it to start.....tries choke and it started, but this was continuous all night, really struggling to keep it going, having to blip and rev, then struggling to start again... All I know is, it's missing a breather hose and the air filter is clean...
  12. Was up today, had a cracking day really enjoyed it. Took a few pics myself, not of that quality mind, but will post em up later....thanks again to all riders for my days entertainment
  13. I assume they can be re used...if that sounds like a stupid statement
  14. I'm keen to carry more fuel for longer treks out to play, can anyone recommend something to carry spare fuel in while out on bike ??
  15. As it says on the tin, I am thinking of taking the road bike thru to watch, have never been before and don't even know where to start going tbh. I'm coming from Dundee, so thru Glencoe, and will only be holiday Monday I can make it, so should I just head in to Kinlochleven and walk places from there or is there any tips on where to go and watch ??? Thanks in advance
  16. cabby

    Sidestand Spring !

    Is it me or is it you lot..... Looking for a sidestand spring, can't find one anyplace on ebay, despite someone saying I'm not looking hard enough, then someone else posts a links to a full bike parts manual, I already have the manual, it's the bloody spring I don't have.
  17. Was out tonight on my own, I think using first gear all the time was my undoing, also, I think now I don't need to rip up hills, they can be taken slower, I just need to get some confidence, although that's in short supply after the weekend.
  18. cabby

    Sidestand Spring !

    A link would be much easier as I still can;t find em
  19. At only my second trial yesterday I had a nightmare. Kept falling off on the hills, it was really getting me down, like I'd clear it one lap, fall off for a 5 the next. Then the next hill I'd fall off again, ir get stuck and take a 5. I didn't enjoy the day at tbh.
  20. cabby

    Sidestand Spring !

    Well if there is I can't find em
  21. Any ideas where I will get a sidestand spring for an sy250 ?? Lost in at a trial a couple weeks back !
  22. What about the hostels in fort bill ? there are a few of them, clean, cheap, does what it says on the tin
  23. I have already stated a few times now, I could care less, but some geezer asks me a question, I answer it, then he hi jacks the topic with the pish I've linked below..... http://www.trialscentral.com/forums/index....st&p=235172 When I say I have no interest in it all, believe me, I don't....FACT
  24. I have been involved in this sport no more than 3 weeks, and a member on here approx the same, In the time I have been on here I have had a PM from a mod saying I was trolling and no the story.....WTF Now, I read some other B*****ks about some geezer David etc etc. I honestly could care less about all your political pish that has went on in this sport, I have no interest, so can we have some encouragement for all new people getting involved in this sport, cause if they are anything like me, who is having the time of their lives, and the sport will con tinue to grow, but if newbies are faced with the boolox that I have read in my short time on here, you'll all turn them away from the game quicker than a feret down a rabbit hole
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