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Everything posted by cabby
  1. Completely different challenge for him, absolutely delighted for him.
  2. You're missing the point, greeting and whinging about it on the internet isn't going to change a single thing, it's not going to stop them by pontificating about what it'll do for the sport, do you think they care ??? If they did, they wouldn't be doing it, would they ?? Do you think for a minute I'd go ride on my clubs land illegally ?? of course I wouldn't, why ? cause I'd be out on my a***, that's why.
  3. Glad to be of help, now lighten up and stop taking yersell and things way too seriously, cause there is nothing you nor anyone else says on here is gonna make a blind bit of difference to any illegal playing either up in the highlands or any where else in the country.
  4. @cleanorbust get over yersell eh ffs.
  5. In yer dreams fatboy Mind, feet up next week, there is a lot of parking duties needing done
  6. Make it your last or I'll start calling you names and warn you to watch yourself when in and around big trials events
  7. Gary has no competition up here, I suspect that's why he lost his trials mojo. He is heavy in to his cycling now, and again has proved bloody good at that also, so probably new challenges has seen him change his focus, doubt anyone can question his desire and commitment to the sport he has given for the last 20 years, mainly on his own.
  8. Like breagh, most up here would love to see Gary mac win but browny wouldn't disappoint me.
  9. You better watch yourself breagh, they'll be calling you names and telling you to watch yourself if you ever step foot on Fort Bill again
  10. Haha....are they all gonna be calling me names like you've been ? if yet there you can point me out to everyone ? I'll concede riding sections in the lead up to the Scottish isn't the best idea, but in general, folk need to get out and enjoy the countryside ?
  11. I'll be there, but I'll no be keeping my head down, no sure why you think I should?
  12. Heard many thing a boot being far fundee but never heard that ?, think yer getting mixed up we fife where their sister is also their mother. ??
  13. I'm off illegal riding at the weekend, up some glen where a simple nod and a hello is always well appreciated
  14. Its time to rise up and defy this imperialism. If we all took a stance to ride where we wanted and had the balls to fight back we'd be free to ride like the walkers walk, and believe me they are a fecking nuisance at times.
  15. There's only my patio to challenge you, and even I can clean that.
  16. It does have full public access, we all have a right to roam in Scotland, in case you've forgot that.
  17. And that is my very point, the land owner, probably passed down from centuries ago. How anyone can own the land like up there is beyond me, it belongs to everyone.
  18. Neither does speeding on the public highway, guess what ? It happens, get over it.
  19. I very much doubt riding the odd rocky stream in the middle of nowhere will cause much of a nuisance, have you heard how loud a trials bike is from a mile away ? neither have I.
  20. So if they live local they are threatening to spoil the fun for others who don't live locally for one week a year It's a beautiful country I live in, it should be there for all to be enjoyed, all the time.
  21. cabby

    lost it ?

    I was planning on heading through on the Friday, no much cope if I don't know where to go is it.
  22. cabby

    lost it ?

    They don't help themselves that's for sure, this not publishing the routes til the day of ?? wtf is that all about, nae wonder not many spectate.
  23. breagh you should may be think about a trial with only a few sections, say 5 or so, sounds like a great idea to me.
  24. Ran two bikes in my old doblo for years, no problem, just turn the front wheels in to the rear footwells, of course mine was a doblo car with rear seats removed, the van may not have rear footwells.
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